Globe Tea Company - JT's Carpets and Bedding
The old picture below is from a postcard sized picture of Globe Tea Company's
shop at the bottom of Shrewsbury Road. The company has been described on Google as 'Globe Tea Co., Wallaces Ltd.' and there appeared to be a branch in Mexborough. There is also a small 1937 picture here, where it was described as once being owned by Mrs Duff's Family.
The shop is still in use but it is now a carpet and bedding shop. The other views are non-clickable close-ups taken from it. The date of the old picture is uncertain but is extremely clear except movement blur on the lady of the family. There is much evidence of horse-drawn transport in the old street. There also used to be a milliner's shop nearby in the 1940s, just off-picture in the row of houses to the right.
I would guess that the photo is from the rearly 1900s. I printed a clear 10" x 8" picture from the postcard and donated it JT's bedding and carpet shop. They have a small collection of similar old framed pictures near to the counter which they encourage visitors to look at. The Globe Tea Company moved to Market Street where the Clark's Chemist now has its entrance. Clarks used to have its entrance opposite what was then the Midland Bank (now HBSC). Have a look at their shop on the Markets page.
The pictures below are looking at the same site. The first is from a Penistone Parade, some time in the late 1970s. The route changed course a few times before settling on its current plan. What is interesting here is Kendall's shop name and a market stall on the wide pavement with my mum shopping.
The 1980 view from the bridge shows 'new' red bricked buildings on the left whilst the stonework of the old houses has been cleaned up. Green Cleans, on the left, was a coffee bar in the 1960s but now they sell all manner of cleaning materials, keys cut, loo rolls, ladders, brushes, fat balls for the spugs, caravan gas, pet supplies, etc. The building just beyond it on the corner of Shrewsbury Road was Best's Bakery until about 2005, when it was converted into flats. Between the two is a hairdressers and a small shop which constantly changes use.
The third picture is from 2008. It is interesting to see how much greener the modern views are around Penistone. There are more trees now than in any of the old pictures.
Bertrand Russell: 'Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so.'