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Market Street
These exteriors have not changed much over the last century but the extreme left building is long gone. Penistone's retail market occupied the site, behind a stone wall, until the sixties when it was moved to its current location behind the very tall building. A supermarket was built on the site and is still there (Spar).

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The origin of old picture is unknown but probably dates from the early part of the last century. No tarmac on the road in those days, only the rural kind produced by animals. The old buldings are easily recognisable in the modern picture. The above pictures are not clickable.

This next picture looks up Market Street from the other direction. All hats, polished shoes and 'Sunday best' clothes to celebrate the occasion of the Peace Parade after the Great War of 1914 to 1918. The modern view on a wet Sunday morning is much the same angle.

Peace Parade Modern view of Market St.

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