Timeline of 21st Century History in the Penistone Area

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The 21st Century - AD 2000 and Onwards
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Year Date Events, 2000 - 2010
2000   Penistone Market Town Initiative (PMTI) set up, to ran for five years. The PMTI was funded through 'Yorkshire Forward' and 'Countryside Agency' quangos and Penistone was one of several market towns in Yorkshire in this programme.
  Millennium Bridge (Bullhouse Bridge) opened around this time. An earlier utilitarian steel railway bridge had been removed around 1983 after the Woodhead Railway Line closed. Its low headroom was a problem to traffic. With the change of use to the Trans-Pennine Trail, the missing bridge became an impediment to users of the trail, although there still was access by crossing the road. The new steel 'Millennium Bridge' was a modern blue/white bridge with an steel tubing arch in the style of a suspension bridge. Plaques are on each side: (1) 'Trans Pennine Trail' and (2) 'The Millennium Commission'.
31st March Wood's Garage closes in Oxspring. Originally a wooden garage opposite the Tollbar, with Jim Wood at the helm, his son Gordon Wood kept the newer garage. Gordon died in September 1999. He was always regarded as a 'real gentleman' who looked after his customers with friendship and charm. This was never a self-service garage. An old photo from 1960 showed it to be a Shell garage but it was a Jet garage at the end, listed as 'M A Wood, Oxspring Garage, Sheffield Rd, Oxspring, S36 8YQ'. It has now been replaced by a row of modern houses. See Oxspring Reminiscences at Oxspring parish.
2nd Sept. The Tenth Denby Dale 'Millennium' Pie - To celebrate the turn of the millennium and the Queen Mother's 100th birthday. The location was a filed near to the Dunkirk pub. The dish weighed 12 Tonnes and measured 40ft x 8ft x 44 inches deep. It was designed by the School of Engineering at The University of Huddersfield and made by Parkway Sheet Metal of Rotherham. The dish had 24 compartments, each of which was heated by individually temperature-controlled, 3 kilowatt heating elements. The Pie held 5 tons of beef (supplied by ASDA), 2 tons of potato, a ton of onions and 100kg (nearly 200 pints) of John Smith's Bitter. The Bishop of Wakefield blessed it and the first slice was cut by the cricket umpire Dickie Bird. More than 22,000 people were served. See Ref 20. Denby Dale Pie History stops at 1988.
9th Sept Penistone Millennium Show. Much like other Penistone Shows but a large commemorative stone was laid in the wall adjoining the top field, some time later, inscribed with these words: Penistone Agricultural Society, Established 1853, To Commemorate the Millennium Show, 9th September 2000, 'Energy and Industry.'
2nd Nov Mannequin Ransom - Reported in the Sheffield Star, a unusual event inspired the interest of the local public. 'Freda the mannequin' was a familiar sight outside Penistone Video Shop until she was kidnapped by 'The Mad Mannequin Twins' with a ransom demand of £2 million in Monopoly money and two packets of toffee popcorn, to guarantee her safe return. Co-owners of the shop, Marianne Ryalls and Joanne Davis gathered the Monopoly money with the help of local schoolchildren. So far so fun. The kidnappers now turned it into a community charity by further demanding that local businesses contribute to a charity raffle, raising funds for both a local girl suffering from cancer and the NSPCC. Within hours of the demand, local businesses rallied round and agreed to donate cash or raffle prizes. This is from an item on the local history group's Facebook, but it did not follow up with the results of the charity effort.
2001 Jan Winscar Reservoir - Sprang a large leak of about 15 Litres per second. About sixty faults in an asphalt membrane were discovered on inspection. It took six months to empty the reservoir. All repairs were completed by the Winter of 2002. See 'Water Treatment and Supply' (pdf).
  Population of England and Wales about 60 million. This had increased from the middle of the last century by 3 - 4 million, by an amount which had been the approximate population of England and Wales for centuries. British factories boomed in the 1950s leading to a shortage of workers. The British government encouraged people from the Commonwealth to come to work here. Large numbers of West Indians were in the first wave, followed in the 1960s by many from India and Pakistan. In the 1970s Ugandan refugees arrived in Britain after the turmoil and famine of that country which had been ruled by the eccentric Idi Amin (who claimed to be the rightful 'King of Scotland'). A wave of Irish people also came towards the end of the century, mostly to work in the building industry. From Local Histories.
  Penistone Women's Institute - Founded this year. Penistone Women's Institute meetings are held at St Mary's Church, Talbot Road on the second Thursday of each month; 2pm in winter months and 7pm for a 7.15pm start from April each year.
  Winscar Reservoir Drained - The scenic reservoir overlooking Dunford Bridge was drained in order to locate a leak. Date uncertain.
21st June 'Churches Together' in Penistone and District - A plaque in St John's Community Centre, Church Street, Penistone, has the following Declaration. It is endorsed by the appropriate signatures of representatives of the participating local churches:
'Churches Together in Penistone and District unites in pilgrimage those churches in Penistone and the surrounding area which, acknowledging God's revelation in Christ, confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures, and, in obedience to God's will and in the power of the Holy Spirit, commit themselves: a) To seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another in the Church, which is His Body; and b) To fulfil their mission to proclaim the Gospel by common witness and service in the world; to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. On behalf of the participating Churches: Ingbirchworth Methodist Church; Spring Vale Methodist Church; St Aidan's Church, Oxspring (Anglican); St Andrew's Church (Methodist/URC); St Anne's, Carlecotes (Anglican); St James', Midhope (Anglican); St John the Baptist's, Penistone (Anglican); St Mary's Church, Penistone (Roman Catholic); St Saviour's Church, Thurlstone (Anglican); Thurlstone and Millhouse Green Methodist Church; Bullhouse Chapel (Independent) and Penistone Community Church.'
  Foot and Mouth Disease - The national F& M epidemic in cattle was highly contagious and it prevented Penistone Show from exhibiting livestock, although the Show otherwise carried on as usual. It also further undermined the viability of Penistone Livestock Market which was struggling and had been set back by a BSE epidemic. The market had signs banning vehicles and asking the public to keep to the wall side. At one time, disinfectant-soaked carpets were put down at the entrance to clean up any passing wheels and shoes.
  Winterbottom's Wire Mill - Returns to private ownership by a management buy-out, under the name of Wintwire. See Zoominfo and the Winterbottom page.
Sept Trans-Pennine Trail opened. This route for walkers, cyclists and horse-riders is largely based on the old Woodhead railway line, which closed down two decades before. Some off-shoots involve lanes and public roads. The coast-to-coast distance is 215 miles. Some the T-P Trail is part of the National Cycle Network. T-P Trail.
2002   Barnsley Humour - Over the years since they took over, the administrative town of Barnsley has been the source of few laughs for Penistone but plans to turn their town into a Tuscan village raised more than a few titters and led to speculation about their collective sanity. We should remember that the Leaning Tower of Pisa is also in Tuscany and we might ask which way Barnsley would lean in the transformation. To add further mirth, BMBC also considered installing a decorative light halo above their town, which as always we would all have to pay for. See Daily Telegraph for story intro.
  Thurlstone Post Office - Closed this year.
2003   Penistone Livestock Market Closed - This would be the demise of South Yorkshire's last remaining livestock auction market. It was controversially closed down by Barnsley Council (BMBC) after more than 400 years from being established under the 1699 Royal Market Charter. Local people and farmers objected strongly but to no avail. The National Farmers' Union also joined in with Graham Coultish, the local NFU chairman, asking how closing this market would help sustain the region's agriculture industry, given that South Yorkshire was an EU targeted area for regeneration. BMBC's explanation was that the Meat and Livestock Commission had considered the market to be no longer viable, having been seriously damaged in recent times by epidemics such as Foot and Mouth Disease (in cattle) and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE). The Fur and Feather Auction would continue for a while but was also under threat. National and local media took an interest, such as a Newspaper Article (20th Sept - reproduced here by kind permission of Huddersfield Daily Examiner) giving the views of auctioneer Mr Dixon. A building to continue the Fur and Feather Auction had been included on early Town Centre Development plans, near where the Loft Cafe is now, but was removed without consultation on later drafts. See 'NFU Helps Bid to Save Mart from Closure' and a Panoramic view of the old market place.
  Hoylandswaine Village Hall. Opened this year. Built in 1814 for a Sunday School, with pupils of all ages. The Methodist Church took it over in 1893 for services. It was bought in 1982 by the people of Hoylandswaine for use as the Village Hall. Lottery funding granted this year allowed for the Village Hall to be completely refurbished. It has proved to be a great asset to the Hoylandswaine community. On older maps, Hoylandswaine was always two words: Hoyland Swaine. The 'Swaine' part dates back to the original Swein, who retained his holding after King William's Norman Conquest. HV Hall. See also Hoylandswaine Village Festival (Facebook).
  Penistone 'Home Decor' (DIY Shop) Closed. The rent had been increased. John and Jean Porter's shop had opened in 1988 next door to the Royal British Legion. It had been a popular shop and sold a wide range of household fixtures, fittings, screws, tools, padlocks and what-have-you. It was a very useful shop. There was also a paint-mixing station for just about any colour imaginable. Upstairs had kitchen utensils and children's toys. Unfortunately, it became unsustainable through the burden of rates and an almost doubled rent, forcing it to close. The closing-down sale was a sad affair. The Porters had lived on Southgate then moved to Wentworth Road. The couple devoted much of their time to local charities until they removed in 2016 to Malton. A year later, Mr Porter died, in Sept. 2017. Prior to being Home Decor, it had been a busy textiles shop run by Mrs Avril Bailey, selling lengths of cloth manufactured by Firth Mill in Shepley, where her husband Able Bailey had been a manager. People would often call in the shop for a cup of tea and a chat. One oddity about the shop was that cloth lengths were sold in yards but with widths in metres. Following Home Decor's closure, and after being empty for several years, the shop deteriorated and became damp. It was extensively refurbished to become 'Butcher Residential' property lettings agent.
2004 4th July PAGE Protest - A public campaign to protect the Showground from use as land development led to the local MP Mick Clapham presenting a petition to Parliament. Mr. Michael Clapham (Barnsley West and Penistone - Lab): "I present the petition of the Penistone Against Greenspace Encroachment campaign and others. It declares that the Petitioners object to Planning Application B/03/2171/PU which allows "Busy Bees" to build on Penistone Recreation Ground. The Petitioners further declare that the loss of the playground and re-positioning of other facilities on the Recreation Ground will be detrimental to the community as well as to the traditional events held there, including Penistone Agricultural Show. The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urge the Deputy Prime Minister to call in "Busy Bees" Planning Application B/03/2171/PU for his own assessment. And the Petitioners remain, etc."
This was the burning issue of the day and reached regional television news. It was also an parliamentary election issue for candidates to take seriously. The same public feeling to protect the Showground led to it becoming protected by Royal decree ten years later, as a 'QEII Field in Trust' (see 2014). http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200304/cmhansrd/vo040721/debtext/40721-40.htm
  Thurgoland History Group founded - It holds monthly meetings in the Village Hall with guest speakers. Thurgoland History Group.
  Peter Holmes - Butcher's shop closed in Upper Denby. This was Denby's last shop to close. A General Store in the village had lasted from 1904 to 1960, selling everything from clogs and slippers to ammonia and figs. A Co-op in the village had also closed in 1963 and was converted into a house.
2005   Royd Moor Viewing Point Built - On land donated by John Gledhill Smith (former President of the Penistone Society), built in time to commemorate the Queen’s Golden Jubilee. Ref 8.
  Mustard Pot - Renovation of this gastro-pub in Midhope to include a new function room and extended car park. It is a Grade II listed building. It had been the Club Inn, in a converted farmhouse built in the 18th century. The Club Inn was established in the latter half of the 19th century after the Barrel Inn closed (one of three cottages on Miller Lane). The Club Inn was briefly called the Midhopestones Arms, became Ye Olde Mustard Pot and finally The Mustard Pot. It is now the site of the annual Midhope Gala, aka Midhope Country Fayre. See Old Inns.
  Hoylandswaine Arts Group formed. This evolved from a music group formed in 1988 and was central to the 'Roddam Project', funded by HLF and EPIP, to restore a Victorian wall artwork in Hoylandswaine Church painted local artist John Roddam Spencer Stanhope (1829 - 1908). The Stanhopes were best known from their residence at Cannon Hall, Cawthorne. Hoylandswaine St John's Church has a good Project feature.
18th July Proposed Illuminated Sign - In a PTC Planning Meeting, the local council objected strongly to plans for an illuminated, double-sided free-standing advertising display (Primelight Advertising Ltd.), in the town centre. PTC's objections were: 'The proposed site is in a dangerous place, which would block visibility and create a traffic hazard. There is not enough room for this type of display.' The given address of 'Market Place, High Street, Penistone' was nonsense anyway as Market Place and High Street are a good distance apart. Market Place is by the church and Market Street leads from St Mary's Street to Gregg's opposite Park Avenue, whence it continues as High Street towards the library. Present were: The Town Mayor, Cllr Mrs B Hinchliff, and Cllrs Mrs N Collett, (Chair), J B Lucas, R Hinchliff, A Rusby, D Harrison, RN Gregory, Mrs E Elders, J Unsworth, Mrs C A Bradbury and P Hand Davis. Apologies for Absence were received from: Cllrs P Starling, G Punt, A Simon and D Lofthouse. The sign did not happen. Wayback Machine.
  Road Accident - This was at the Rose and Crown, Ingbirchworth on the inside bend of the road entering from the Penistone side. A car driven by a teenager smashed into the public house and demolished a large part of its corner wall. The damage was severe and revealed its red-brick construction, although the building had rendered walls and always substantial. The whole pub was soon demolished, to be replaced by a small housing development on the same site. Locals commented on the special skill needed to crash on the inside of the sharp bend.
22nd Oct Spring Vale School Reunion - With the school about to close and be demolished, to make way for a new school, a grand reunion was held for pupils who had attended up to the 1980s. Spring Vale school had opened in 1909 and, up to about 1959, had provided both Primary and Secondary education, after which is became Primary-only. The school would be demolished in 2007. See Spring Vale Thoughts and 1909.
  Town Centre Redevelopment. Earlier plans showed a new retail market enclosed within a gated, walled area (later amended to the Market Cruck Barn) and allocated a building close to the current Loft Café for use as a Fur and Feather auction building. Later plans removed the Fur and Feather Auction with other changes, published in BMBC Briefing. The Penistone1 page describes the Town Centre Regeneration project and see 2011 below for what actually happened.
  90th Anniversary of the first showing of films in Penistone Town Hall (Paramount) from 1915. The venue was let to Mr Joseph O Jesson as a cinema, after Penistone Urban District Council licenced it for 'Cinematographic entertainments' in August 1915, conditional on its availability for other events and the halls's use as an assembly hall, theatre, dance hall, etc. There were two film showings a week and ticket costs were between 3d and 9d. This was not Penistone's first cinema, as the 'Assemby Hall Cinema' off St Mary's Street had been showing films in Penistone for at least a decade before the new Town Hall was opened and catching up.
ProjectorAdvert for Town Hall
During the Great War years, the demand for films in the UK as escapist entertainment increased. The 1919 Penistone Almanack advertised 'The Famous Goldwyn Series' in Penistone Town Hall. All films at the time were silent except for piano accompaniment and were quite short. The centenary event in 2005 was marked by a fine exhibition of film equipment in an Open Day organised by manager Steve Tales, who was a great film enthusiast. To commemorate the occasion, a silent film was shown with an able piano accompaniment performed by a Miss Cutts. Please see more about 'Penistone's Coliseum' (not its real name) at Penistone Town Hall History. Also see a History of Pre-1920s Films.
  Penistone and District Working Men's Club - Demolished around this time after standing abandoned, neglected and boarded-up from around 2001. The site and car park were re-used as part of the new Spring Vale Primary School. See Flikr Photo and my Spring Vale Reminiscences page.
2006 April Cllr George Punt RiP - From the PTC Minutes of the PTC Annual Meeting, Monday 16th May 2006, 'A minute's silence was held out of respect for Cllr George Punt who died suddenly at the end of April.' George was well-known and much-liked in Penistone for his work on the local council and his many years at Penistone Grammar School as a teacher where he taught the subject of Rural Studies. George's classes in the farm building on Long Lane were legendary, as were his punishments. He once had Kevin McShane clear snow from the yard with a pitchfork. He used to 'borrow' cigarettes from the kids too. George was a regular at Thurlstone's Commercial pub (Huntsman). He lived at the top of Church Street for a long time in rented property but eventually took over Schole Hill farm on Schole Hill Lane. His daughter Helen served on Penistone Town Council, following in his boots.
29th May Spring Bank Holiday Brawl - Up to 30 people were involved in a good, old-fashioned punch-uo along Market Street, Penistone. This was reported in the Barnsley Chronicle as being at about 1am on the Spring Bank Holiday Monday. Penistone policeman PC Andy Thomson said that it was caused by local workmen but would be a one-off incident. As expected, alcohol had been a factor. Local Police had to call for back-up from Barnsley and Wombwell, resulting in eight police cars, two dog units and a riot van on what might otherwise have been a quiet night. Seven people were arrested and were permanently banned from local pubs and clubs through the Pubwatch List. Barnsley Chronicle, 7th July 2006.
  Pen Comm Fest 2008Penistone Community Arts - This is a long-forgotten attempt to set up an Arts Week in Penistone. It had a connection with the University of Huddersfield, at least two local musicians and an electronics technician. It would also experiment with interactive artworks. One idea was to have hanging metal arteorks in the churchyard which would produce sounds when approached or touched, somewhat like theremins. There was a range of other artistic ideas also and plans to develop the occasion into a large annual event. In the end, the project failed to gather momentum and was shelved for reasons unknown. At least they had a logo!
1st Aug. Yorkshire Day in Penistone - Organised by the Yorkshire Society, the venue changes each year but Yorkshire Day is always celebrated on 1st August. This was Penistone's turn, with various events but the day suffered from wet and windy weather and, being on a Tuesday, not many local people were around. After a service in Penistone Church (an unusual Lord's Prayer was set to 'Ilkley Moor') there was a long procession down Church street and back via Shrewsbury Road, led by the Band Of The King's Division. The participants were taken to Penistone Grammar School for a special dinner of roast beef and Yorkshire pudding with solicitor Mr Stephen Smith as guest speaker. This was open to Yorkshire's Civic Leaders (Mayors, Lord Mayors and council officials) and members of the Yorkshire Society, of which yours truly was one for the year. Penistone's Mayor was Cllr Nora Collett. Yorkshire Day page.
  Allen 317EX Digital Theatre Organ - Purchased by Penistone Cinema Organ Trust from a private residence in Derbyshire. It was installed in St Andrew's Church, Penistone and opened there in September of the same year. With seven individual audio channels, it could produce a true theatre organ sound and could record every keypress. A performance could be 'played back' exactly as originally performed. Organ concerts have taken place 1pm every Thursday Market Day since it was installed. See the Organ Trust's site and download the Operator's Manual (pdf).
2007 Feb. Penistone Library - Re-opened after a major refurbishment. It had been closed towards the end of 2006. New facilities included a tutorial/conference room and computers to allow visitors to go on the internet. Library page.
Winter &
Public Petition Campaign - Against building a Tesco food store in Penistone. This was because of a common worry in the population that a new Tesco store would accellerate the decline of the main shopping street which had seen several shop closures. Another worry was that it might encroach too much into the Showground field. A common message had been: 'Market Town or Tesco Town - It's up to You.'
26th Feb. Fairtrade - Penistone officially became a 'Fairtrade Town' and the Co-op would sell their goods. The local Fairtrade group would be based at St Andrew's church.
6th Mar. Extension to Stottercliffe Cemetery - Opened and consecrated at 2pm, Tuesday 6th March. This new part is across the Trans-Pennine Trail's concrete bridge from the main cemetery and includes a parking area to serve. The service was held in the new car park and conducted by the then Mayor of Barnsley, Cllr Margaret Morgan with the Bishop of Pontefract the Right Reverend Tony Robinson, Penistone Rector Fr David Hopkin and Penistone Mayor Cllr Nora Collett. Refreshments followed in Penistone church. A half-dozen members of the public attended, including yours truly and Neville Roebuck, well-known for his local history work which (after he died) provided the basis for Penistone archive in the Community Centre.
  Modifications to Penistone Church - Pews at the back of the church were removed to allow for a dining area and community activities. A kitchen and toilet was also fitted (the latter on claimed regulatory grounds). Pews were, for a time, placed around the periphery in a style based on earlier church layouts. Stackable chairs now form the main body of seating for normal services whilst allowing more space for community events near the kitchen. Penistone Church history page.
  Spring Vale School Demolished - Opened in 1909, the school did not quite reach its centenary year. Until around 1958-9 the pupils would spend their entire schooling there. After that time, it would be a Primary school only and the urchins would have to toddle off up to PGS to complete their education. Until car ownership gathered pace, most children would have made their own way unaccompanied to and from school back then, on foot or by Tracky bus. Barnsley Chronicle reporter, Carolyn Thorpe wrote: 'Spring Vale School was referred to as being Victorian, but we stand corrected. Since it was only opened in 1909 and the Victorian era was 1837 to 1901, it could hardly be described as Victorian. It just about (and only just) fits into the Edward VII era, as King Edward died in 1910.' See Oct 2005 above, Spring Vale Thoughts and 1909.
  The National School - Barnsley council arranged for its 'Surestart' scheme to spend around £500,000 of public money this year to renovate the historic National School, which is owned by a trust. The National school was built in 1822 as a school for girls on Church Street, Penistone. A stone on the gable end overlooks the street. It reads: 'Female National School - Endowed by Mr. Joseph Camm of Beverley A.D. MDCCCXXII'. In recent times, the building was being used sporadically for Masonic meetings but beaome delapidated and a target for youth vandalism. The work radically extended and renovated the building and the yard was tidied up. Contractors did excellent work and even rebuilt the wall connecting with the Don Press next door. The wall had been damaged some years previously one Sunday morning by 'improvements' from members of a local gentleman's club. In 2010 the Busy Bees children's nursery took over the building, having previously planned to build on recreation ground by the Bowling Club. Very unusually, a public objection against the plans actually worked and they had to find an alternative place. See the National School on the street tour.
7th May Spring Vale Riverside Wildlife Haven - An application was made to the National Lottery by the 'Penistone and District Community Partnership' for £10,000 to fund a wildlife haven. See National Lottery grants at the National Archives.
  2007 floodingHeavy Rain and Flooding. The worst flooding locally since 1947. Heavy rain affected the whole country with some areas receiving as much rain in one day as would be normal for a whole month. Sheffield city centre and Meadowhall shopping mall were badly hit. In many cases, the lower floors in city buildings had been completely flooded out. Office workers in Sheffield had to be rescued by boat. Denby Dale, Scissett and Clayton West were flooded along the River Dearne. As always, parts of York city centre were also flooded, especially that pub. Locally, the most affected area appeared to be the main A628 road close to the junction of Huddersfield Road at Bridge End and nearby fields from the River Don. Watermeadows Park had turned into a lake, as in this (clickable) picture, kindly donated by Mr J'my Cutts. We can assume that Scout Bridge was also flooded, as it always is in heavy rain.
Advice from my driving instructor of years ago (petrol/diesel engines): Drive very slowly through a flood or ford, in second gear and keep the revs up. If you go too quickly the bow wave can send water into the carburettor air intake and flood it. If the engine cuts out and the car is left in a dangerous position, it might be possible to turn over the starter motor with the car in first gear. That would pull the car some yards before the battery goes flat and it could be enough to get clear to safety.
24th June 'St John's Gardens' - Officially opened in the lower part of the churchyard of Penistone Parish Church and was blessed by the Bishop of Wakefield, the Right Reverend Stephen Platten, on the occasion of St John's Festival, the commemorative day of the church. The garden layout was commissioned in 2006 as a major work of reclamation and tidying of the lower churchyard, to include features of local history. A pathway was laid from the south-east corner of the church to a new archway entrance on to Shrewsbury Road. Grindstones engraved with historic dates were laid alongside the path, with explanatory notices. A notable feature was a spiral obelisk designed by local artist Sarah Jones-Morris as a memorial to the blind professor Sir Nicholas Saunderson (1692 to 1739) of Thurlstone, who was said to have learnt to read by running his fingers over these gravestones (1600s timeline, page bottom). The metallic archway was based on a design by local artist Gillian Tyler and constructed using traditional methods by master blacksmith Bob Oakes, with Nick Oakes, John Walton, Julie Grose and Darren Buck. Features of the arch include an abacus, braille, wedding rings, sheep and other local-related themes.
  Joseph Hawley's sawmill at The Green, Penistone, sold to developers. Demolished 2013. See also the 1820s and 1937.
Sept Theft of Church Roof Lead - The lead roof covering of the Nave was stolen and a temporary repair was to cover the exposed roof with bitumen felt, in the knowledge that the bitument would deteriorate over time. To reduce the risk of future lead thefts, Historic England recommended that the roof be covered with 'terne-coated stainless steel' which would have a similar appearance to lead and would have a long life. BMBC Planning Application 2022/1135.
10th Sept. New Spring Vale Primary School - The new school was officially opened by Penistone Mayor Cllr Joe Unsworth and Barnsley Mayor Cllr Len Picken, with Headmistress Hilary Smith in attendance. The school was completely rebuilt using additional land from the defunct Working Men's Club next door.
7th Oct Green Park House to Close - Barnsley Chronicle announced that four old people's homes in the Barnsley Borough would be closed. Instead of receiving official notification of the closure, staff of Penistone's Green Park House found out from the newspaper that theirs would be one of the closures. The home had been well-regarded but its intake was reduced by BMBC, putting its future in doubt. The Area Forum for Central, Kingstone and Old Town discovered that council residential homes had been stopped from accepting new residents for six years (Chronicle 14/9/07). It was clear that something was planned behind the scenes and the ensuing furore led to a consultation of some sort. The chief of Barnsley council Adult Services remarked that: "We are not just steam-rollering through, I can 100 percent assure you that a decision has not already been made." (Barnsley Chronicle front page, 14/9/07 Penistone edition). Nobody believed that for a moment and it just made them more indignant. The quoted £350,000 to bring Green Park House up to standard would have been less than would have been needed for BMBC's dotty plan to project a halo into the sky (under the crossing point of two major air lanes). Penistone Mayor Cllr Joe Unsworth reported that the consensus opinion was that the consultation had been 'window dressing' for a decision already taken. What we didn't know is that there would be a new home built on the same site. This would be Buckingham House, known far and wide as 'Buckingham Palace' as these things do. It is accessible from a road opposite the top of Ward Street.
  Foot and Mouth Disease - Another national outbreak had almost prohibited livestock from being exhibited at Penistone Show. Restrictions were lifted just in time to allow cattle and sheep at the Show.
2008 January Bridge Strike and Injuries - A fully-laden skip truck from the Spring Vale recycling centre ran into the railway bridge (last arch of the viaduct) over Sheffield Road. This was in the afternoon as pupils were walking home from Spring Vale school. The truck first hit one side of the bridge, then the other, then its skip came off and demolished a high wall. This was just a few days after the black and yellow warning patterns had been re-painted on the bridge. Three pedestrians were almost killed. The skip, its load of scrap metal load and parts of the wall all landed on sixteen-year-old Simon Town. Simon was very badly injured as the container pushed him into the collapsing wall with refrigerators, cookers, bicycles, etc. poured out on top of him. Had he not been a fit and strong rugby player, he could easily have died on the spot. A young girl who had been walking with her mum was badly injured and her mum narrowly missed being injured herself. The girl received internal and leg injuries and could easily have been killed outright. A full description of her injuries is not appropriate for this website but her injuries were life-changing to body and mind. A newspaper story said that the truck driver had been flashed by the headlights of an on-coming vehicle to let him through and he went through the bridge quickly so as to not cause a delay. From witness statements (the injured people) that is not how it happened. They attested to no other vehicles being on this part of road at the time. From the court case which followed, it emerged that the truck driver had a previous string of speeding offences. He was fined £300 and banned from driving for three months.
12th Feb Cinnamon Spice - Grand opening of the Indian-style restaurant and take-away on Market Street, Penistone. This would prove to be a great asset to Penistone and stand the test of time. Always busy for more than a decade (and continuing) curry aficionados said that it is highly authentic. Previously it had for decades been Fieldsend's greengrocer and later Carolina's cafe.
Feb PDCP Grant Application - The Penistone and District Community Partnership requested a grants of £9,250 from the National Lottery Community Fund 'to extend their volunteer-run Visitor Information Service to sustain the area's tourism industry.'
2nd Mar Bad Car Crash - An intoxicated car driver travelling to Penistone from Upper Denby took the sharp corner of Scout Bridge (Huddersfield Road, Penistone) at an estimated 70 to 80 mph. He lost control and collided with a red Volvo estate travelling at a sedate pace on his own side of the road in the opposite direction. The Volvo driver was trapped by the ankles in tremendous pain as his engine started to smoke. His dog was in a cage at the back and had to be led to safety. Two ambulances arrived with several police cars. The drunken driver was unharmed and, with little damage to his own vehicle (the Volvo was a write-off), was arrested by Police. The Volvo driver was rushed to hospital where he was treated for two broken ribs, a punctured and collapsed lung and his legs operated on. The drunk driver attended the same hospital but had escaped injury. An ensuing insurance claim by the injured driver would take years to resolve.
  Penistone Arts Festival. An attempt was made this year to establish an annual Penistone Arts Festival, in association with the 'Penistone and District Community Partnership' (PDCP) but it somehow failed to gain traction and did not continue. The intention was to put on a wide range of artistic mini-events, including some rather innovative interactive musical sculptures in the churchyard and other places but an apparent lack of co-ordination in its organisation obstructed progress. This was to return in 2017 as 'Penistone Arts Week.' See also 2012 regarding the Penistone Ward Alliance.
April New Houses - A large housing estate being built on fields below Millhouse Green.
  Going Wayback - Have a sneaky look at Penistone Town Council's website in November 2008 on the Wayback Machine. Some pages were not stored. In those days, the PTC URL was: http://www.penistone.uk.com.
  Thurgoland Parish Pump restoration fund. Thurgoland Local History Group secured a £38,000 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to restore the village pump. See Barnsley Chronicle
2009 6th June Community Radio Launched in Penistone - Penistone's own radio station, Penistone FM went live at 9.57am on a frequency of 95.7MHz with its studios at 9 High Street, distinctive above the cafe. (Ofcom reference: CR153). The first record played was 'The Greatest Day' by Take That. This had followed a very successful trial run in 2005 using the temporary frequency of 87.7MHz. Just before a full Community Radio (CR) FM licence was granted for 95.7MHz, the only option was a possible Medium Wave frequency. The 'Community Radio' (CR) category of broadcast licence was by Act of Parliament ('Community Radio Order 2004') introduced in 2004 as a new class of broadcast licence for small, non-profit stations to be run 'By the community for the community.' This company is classed as 'Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital' at Companies House, No. 06257320, incorporated 23rd May 2007 (also PenFM Media CIC inc. Dec. 2018). Thankfully the 95.7MHz FM slot became available in December 2008 with certain conditions, to the great relief of the radio team. Ofcom rules state that CR Stations must be operated, owned by and accountable to their target communities rather than big businesses, or national broadcasters or other vested interests. The main thrust of CR stations is that they allow easy public access and provide a style of output distinctive from mainstream stations. See Penistone FM on this website for the full story. Also '200 CR Stations Now On-Air' and PFM at Ofcom.
  Penistone Grammar School - Demolitions of the old buildings and the start of new school. Built in 1911, the Fulford Building (the old 'A Block') remained standing for a while as local people attempted to keep it from demolition. A petition led by local crafts artist Sarah Catterall gained several hundred signatures but an attempt at listing the building (to be protected as of historic interest) at English Heritage failed. The explanation was that, although the building held a lot of local interest, it was not distinctive enough for a listing. Part of the problem was that the construction of the building made it difficult to re-purpose its rooms, and that purpose was hard to visualise. Developers kept the original school building, Wierfield House, which was the actual school to begin with and later was the headmasters house, then later still an outpost of the sixth form. That building was renovated but new houses were erected on and adjacent to the Fulford site. The stone motto with its Clarel coat of arms was preserved as a feature. The new school would hint at the Clarel/Penistone coat of arms by using martlets (swift-like birds with no feet) on their logo design. See The PGS Archive and S Yorks Timescape. Sheffield Archives has Historic Records of PGS.
2010 January Thurlstone Community Group - Formed by local residents, with the hope of 'Bringing the Community together and regaining the feeling of community spirit in the village'. A Thurlstone War Memorial was suggested at its first AGM in January 2011. The War Memorial Fund was launched at Thurlstone School at 11.11am, 11/11/11, where children from the school released a red balloon for the fallen of the village, as their names were read out. The Memorial was subject to various set-backs but was eventually ready for a well-attended inauguration in May 2014, a year later than planned. Its first use for Remembrance Sunday was 9th November 2014. The Group was quite active from the beginning in local matters, without undue interference from local politicians. TCG was involved in Thurlstone Gala and held a public meeting 28th October 2013 to consider Barnsley MB Council's proposals on housing development in Thurlstone. See May 2014 and 9th November 2014.
29th Mar Penistone Lock up Demolished - This had been used as a jail in olden days. According to Penistone and District Society, the old lock-up was built in 1770 but the plaque on the old frontage gave it as 1780. The book noted that an old lady recollected providing straw for bedding and water for sustenance. There was a much controversy in 2010 when it became known that developers were going to demolish the old lock-up without ceremony. It seemed that Penistone's history was being eroded bit by bit, with the old Grammar School buildings, Netherfield Workhouse and now this, lost to history. Penistone Town Council and Dransfield developers resolved to take it down, mark its fabric and store it, pending a decision on the place and form of its re-erection. In the end, it would be remembered only by a plaque and stonework near the new St Mary's Street roundabout. Penistone Archive Group has a booklet for sale about the Lock up. See Penistone Lock up.
19th June The Loft Coffee Shop - Opened at 9am on Saturday 19th June. This is a small café up some stairs above a lady's hairdresser shop, located to the rear of the Spread Eagle car park. This followed the demise of the old livestock market nearby which had been dismantled and when the new Tesco food store was in construction. Penistone's retail market reached a peak around this time as much more ground space had temporarily become available (later to become Tesco car park) and the market expanded to fill the space.
June Work on New Shops - The stone wall from the old Lock-up on Saint Mary's Street was demolished to make way for new shops and offices, as part of the regeneration scheme which included the new Tesco store. The new complex was originally named the 'Penistone Gateway' but was re-named just before it opened, as 'Penistone 1.' A new roundabout was being built on St Mary's Street and a new road to facilitate access to the Tesco car park from the roundabout. The road had no name until adopted by BMBC much later, when it was named (without due process) 'Market Lane.' BMBC's Towns and Villages Charter requires that new road names are supposed to put before the relevant parish councils before approval by BMBC. That did not happen. See the Gateway/Penistone 1 page.
  Fields in Trust Scheme - In 2010 a new scheme was instigated to celebrate the Queen's jubilee of 2012 by protecting recreational areas with legal covenents in perpetuity. This is so that the land must be kept as a recreational area and can never be built upon. Penistone Town Council is supporting an application for this 'Fields in Trust'' programme, so that our recreational land would be protected from exploitation. A further enhancement is that Penistone is one of ten towns chosen by WREN ('Waste Recycling Environmental') to receive funding for outdoor gymnasium facilities. See April 2014 below.
Aug Major Works - Around this time, Penistone was one big construction site. St Mary's Street was closed to traffic on three consecutive Sundays in August. Tesco was nearing completion and the new Market Barn was being built by Carpenter Oak. The new Penistone Grammar School was also being constructed while the old buildings still stood. The future of the Fulford Building was being discussed and a petition raised to preserve it for some other use. Netherfield's former workhouse (latterly PGS 6th form) was still standing. Penistone Market continued to thrive in its temporary wide spaces (probably its best ever).
27th Aug Neville Roebuck - The local historian died in Barnsley and District General Hospital (BDGH) at the age of 73, after a year-long battle with cancer. Mr Roebuck deserves a special mention here because his history archive formed the basis of the Penistone Archives, located in the 'Neville Roebuck Room', Lower Hall, Penistone St John's Community Centre. A good three-page article about his life appeared in the third Archive Journal booklet from Penistone History Archives, published towards the end of 2017. Neville had amassed a great amount of material, largely in the form of newspaper cuttings from the Barnsley Chronicle and other sources, and largely focussing on Green Moor, Hunshelf and Penistone. He tried very hard to find a permanent home for the collection. In a conversation with Neville at the opening of the Stottercliff extension (see 2007 above), he said that he wrote to every PTC councillor (through the PTC Office), to elicit interest in the project. To his great disgust and dismay, he later discovered that none of the councillors had received his letters. During 2010, Neville set up the Penistone and District Community Archives Trust and gained funding to have his work digitised with a view to make it more accessible to the public. For a time, the collection was made available to the public in a side room of the Paramount. After the room was provided in the Community centre, Penistone History Group took on the archive collection and the task of sorting and organising the collection. Since then, the Penistone Archive has grown considerably and added new items of historical interest, including commemorative plates and photographs. In a sense, the Penistone Archive is in competition with the Barnsley Archive whose collection is not as easily accessible to the local public and only a limited amount is on show in the Barnsley museum. Some of Penistone's historic material (such as the Town Hall deeds and, allegedly, the historic Penistone Market Charter) have been lost in the Barnsley Archive. Please see Penistone Archive and History Group (Facebook)
30th Aug. Tesco Food Supermarket - Officially opened, 10am, Bank Holiday Monday, as part of a £15 redevelopment in Penistone Town Centre. The red ribbon was cut by Penistone Mayor Cllr Carol Bradbury and Barnsley Council's Deputy Mayor Cllr John Parkinson. Store manager Mick Somerset gave £1,000 cheques to each mayor for their chosen charities. The road it was built on, leading down to a new roundabout on St Mary's Street, was un-named at this toime. The nearby Market Barn was not yet complete. See the Gateway/Penistone1 page describing in brief the Town Centre regeneration project.
19th Oct New Hairdresser - 'Caroline's Hair Studio 2' opened in 7, St Mary's Street. This building is well-known among older residents as the former Swallow's gentleman's barber shop, and a long time before that it was a public house. It is likely that old residents would remember sitting on a wooden board across the barber's chair as small children, to raise their height. The waiting area resembled a church pew. The shop had stood empty for many years after Donald Swallow retired. The local joke was that Donald only ever had one style: short back and sides. He had continued his white-haired father's business for many years and he might have died some time in the 1990s.

The Penistone 2020s

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Year Date Events, 2011 - 2020
2011   Decade of expansion. Between 2001 and 2011, Penistone's population increased 11.6% and the number of dwellings increased by 14.4%. Following a minimal 'Public Consultation' in 2011, Barnsley Coucil's Local Development Framework called for 1,100 new homes to be built over the next twelve years in the Penistone district. See how Penistone developed on a history page.
February First use of Penistone's Penistone Market Cruck Barn as a retail market. It was not quite finished at the time, with the rear part cordoned off, and not yet 'officially' opened. This oaken barn had been built by Carpenter Oak of Devon. The new 'Market Cruck Barn' had been part of a £multi-million town centre regeneration scheme (see Penistone1). Initial problems with high winds and poor lighting caused great discomfort but glass panelling and better lighting fitted in 2012 largely put matters right. The builders had offered advice on lighting and other matters but had been disregarded by Barnsley Council. An early picture before modifications. See July below.
2nd May Penistone Grammar School re-opened on a site lower down Huddersfield Road than the old Weirfield site, just above the former Netherfield Workhouse which had been for many years an Old People's Home and later used by the PGS Sixth Form. The historic Penistone Union Workhouse (1861) was unceremoniously demolished to make way for the new school and this caused some local upset. Most other buildings were demolished but a campaign started in 2012 by local artist Sarah Catterall gained popular support to preserve the remaining Fulford Building and Weirfield House, with the hope of finding a community use for them (Campaign Facebook). Penistone Town Council also declared 'its full support' for the campaign but it was ultimately in vain. Fulford building was demolished in 2014. As a new £35m, state-of-the-art school, some School Governors had attempted to change its name to 'Penistone Grammar ALC' but failed to secure enough, as a school name-change would require a unanimous vote and this was not achieved. Its full legal name continues as 'Penistone Grammar School.' Although it is not the legal name, the appendage of 'ALC' is frequently used by Barnsley Council and its local connections. to the general public, the abbreviation of 'PGS' is well-established.
26th June Penistone's first Festival of Folk in the new Market Barn, in the hope of becoming an annual event to replace the earlier 'Penistone Sing' tradition on or near the Feast of St John. This was organised by Carol Bradbury and Chris McShane with Penistone Church, Penistone Round Table and others. It had a full billing of singers and dancers and proved to be a great success. A similar 2012 event followed a similar format but proved to be the last one. A breakdown in BMBC communications led to the Market Barn being double-booked with an Artisan Fayre in 2013, leading to that year's Folk Festival being cancelled, never to return. The problem was two systems of booking the Market Barn at BMBC which were not coordinated. The Festival of Folk did not return in 2014. See Folkfest page.
21st July Penistone's New Market - Officially opened by Penistone Mayor BMBC Cllr Steve Webber and Barnsley Mayor, BMBC Cllr Karen Dyson. The Market Cruck Barn was opened in a remarkably low-key celebration with an almost complete news blackout both before and after the event. Even the market traders did not know of the event until it unfolded in front of them. A news blackout was imposed by Penistone FM who later explained that they had complied with a request by BMBC Markets to play down the occasion following bad publicity because of recent complaints about design short-comings. The Market Barn had been part of a £15m redevelopment of Penistone Town Centre, which included a new car park and Tesco food store. Generally called the 'Market Barn', it was used for the first time in February 2011, although incomplete at the time. Weather ingress was a problem from the start as the building then had open sides and experienced high winds from its exposed position. Market traders' goods would be scattered with each gust of wind. Penistone people had been incredulous about how the planners had not taken into account the geography and climate of the location, or indeed local knowledge. Glass panelling had to be added later and proved to be an effective remedy for most of the weather problems. Better lighting was also fitted. However, an automatic door connecting with the car park (allowing winds to enter) was never enabled from the start and continues (in 2023) to be permanently open. See the Penistone1 page describing in brief the Town Centre regeneration project and see the Market Tour page for some background.
  Rose and Crown closed for the last time, to be taken over as offices after extensive alterations. The building had been erected in 1869, next to an even earlier and adjacent Rose and Crown which was used as a coach stop and had stables. The earlier one would have blocked the top of Shrewsbury Road. See the Old Inns page.
24th Nov 'The Changing Years' - 7pm, Penistone St John's Church. Presentation by the elderly local historian Dick Brownhill of his latest DVD. This must have been one of a series, or at least one of two, as the poster had the line: 'If you saw the first one you will want to see this one.' He also gave a similar presentation at the Penistone Royal British Legion, which might have been the first one referred to. Mr Brownhill also had used to run the High Street betting shop before it was taken over by Chuck McBurney (now closed).
1st Dec Yorkshire Air Ambulance - A £1,007 cheque was presented to Yorkshire Air Ambulance by PTC Cllr Carol Bradbury from funds raised by the Penistone Royal British Legion over the year. The YAA was one of the RBL charities designated for the year. Carol's daughter had been rescued by the YAA following an accident.
8th Dec Star Search Final - This was a big talent show final at the Paramount, Penistone, following the success of a similar event in Thurgoland. It featured 14 acts in two parts and was organised by Colin Geldard and Carol Bradbury, who were both Penistone FM presenters, with Colin as MC. The top three acts were judged as: 1, Emily Cooper, 2, Jake Woodhams, and 3, Emily Peace. The judging panel was: Jill Craven, Janet Crossley, Sarah Mac, Pete Foster and Andy Platt. Cash prizes were given to the winner and runners-up. Auditions had been held at: The Silver Fox, Stocksbridge (9th Nov), The Huntsman, Thurlstone (10th Nov) and Cubley Hall (17th & 24th Nov). Proceeds went to local charities. See Star Search page (slightly re-edited in 2023)
2012 Jan 'The Squareabout' - Traffic flow around the bus shelter, Clark's, etc., was changed near the church. This system became operational to deter HGVs from following Satnav instructions which point them down the very narrow Church Street, blocking it up. Unlike conventional road roundabouts, the 'Squareabout' goes anti-clockwise. See the Map page for the plan.
26th Apr 'An Evening of Comedy' - Penistone Players presented two playlets and more in the Cubley Hall Function suite: 'Four Empty Chairs' (Pen Players) and 'Slim Chance' (by Peter Gordon, by arrangement). Also a 'Cornucopia of Comedy Caricatures' with a quiz and raffle. This was a fund-raiser for the Marie Curie charity and Weston Park Hospital, Sheffield. The Penistone Players put on few performances over the later years and this could have been their last one. They folded in 2017.
May Community-led Plan - The CLP questionnaire was sent to every local home this month, as a source towards drawing up plan which was intended to guide future development in our area. It had questions on what use the Market Barn might be put to and whether people would be interested in a community-owned renewable energy scheme. Also what events might be welcome. Also which are the danger spots when crossing the road. The questionnaires had a tear-off number and participants were told that the numbers would be put into a draw with a money prize. That did not happen. The PLP starting point had been a notice pinned up for anyone interested in the future of Penistone but it lacked any detail. A steering committee was formed by PTC and open to anyone interested in the town's development. A 'Friends of the Earth' group also joined the committee to form a focus of influence. It was soon realised that the CLP would have limited influence but it would eventually prove to be worthwhile as its report became the basis of the later 'Penistone Neighbourhood Development Plan' which would, on paper at least, have greater legal power. See also July 2013 below when the summary became available.
2nd to 5th
The Queen's Diamond Jubilee - This national event celebrated HM Queen's sixty years on the throne, having acceded to the throne in 1952, to be crowned in 1953. Penistone shops and cafes were well-decorated for the Jubilee. Bunting criss-crossed the town centre for the Jubilee and Penistone Parade weekend, which also had the Royal Jubilee theme. Even the Yorkshire Building Society had a Royal tea party in the window. Clark's Chemist put in perhaps the most effort to decorate their windows. Penistone Mayor's Parade also excelled itself with more than usual floats and even the first one from Penistone British Legion. The Market Barn's Jubilee celebration (see below) was well-attended and a Beacon event took place above the Showground with a bar and music. Also a beacon at the Royd Moor viewing area. A great Jubilee event in London monopolised national television with many famous entertainers performing at Piccadilly Circus.
4th June Jubilee Street Party - Penistone Market Barn. On a cold and rainy day, this event was well-attended by the public at a long buffet table to mark the Royal Jubilee. Penistone Mayor for 2012-13 was Cllr Harry Barron who attended the event. Also attending was a Huntsman bar, Penistone FM, Arthouse Cafe (Tea 80p, coffee £1), arts & craft stalls, hot soup stall, paintings, Punch and Judy, charities and more. The buffet was well-provided with sandwiches, buns, cakes, sausage rolls and pies.
30th June Folk Concert - Penistone Market Barn. Organised by local Folk performer Chris McShane with Penistone FM presenter (and 'Rock Chick' - she says) Carol Bradbury. Seats were laid out and the public arrived in droves. Penistone FM supplied the sound system. This was a free concert in the Barn and had a good list of performers. The itinerary had the Buss Pass Buskers, Johnnie and the Prison Didn't Help Boys, Barnsley Folk Ensemble, Band 4, Sheaf River Band, The Rhythm Chaps, the Paul Noone Trio, Penistone Ukulele Group and several young musicians with a variety of instruments. Frumptarn Guggenband (a walking band) paraded through the Barn and raised the roof. The Huntsman provided a bar and there was a food stall (probably from the Scouts). This was a good event for all concerned and was intended to be an annual event but for booking mistakes by BMBC the following year.
6th July River Don Flooding - Heavy rain produced the usual result. According to HMG's Flooding website, the Don reached its maximum record of 2.35 metres (7 ft, 8½ inches) at the Penistone Measuring Station.
  'PGS Old Boys' War Memorial' - Set up at Penistone Grammar School's car park entrance following its removal from the old school and restoration. In 1925, The Old Boys' memorial plaque was unveiled in the Library (Fulford building) by Dr AJC Wilson and placed in the school's then new library room. Following the Second World War, a new memorial plaque to remember PGS alumni who were lost in WWII was unveiled in 1948, again in the Fulford building. The plaque was removed when the building was to be demolished (c.2011) to make way for the new school to be built. The School Governors intended to re-site the memorial within Penistone Church but local residents thought the school was abandoning its history in the course of becoming re-branded as a new school. There had already been complaints about the school's new logo abandoning the historic Clarel coat-of-arms. This followed the unceremonious loss of our history with the demise of the livestock market, the demolition of the old Lock-up (jail) and demolition of Netherfield Workhouse. The public outcry about the memorial reached a peak in August 2012, mostly through letters to Barnsley Chronicle. One respondent said: 'Modernity has its place but PGS should not be ashamed of its history. It can only enhance its current reputation to acknowledge its past.' (B Chronicle, 12th August 2012). The school authorities bowed to public pressure and reinstated the memorial in a grassy setting among the trees and close to its earlier location. The memorial is a large granite stone with a brass plate. A flagpole and bench seat came later. This is the focal point for the PGS Remembrance Ceremony on the Friday preceding Remembrance Sunday. This is a public ceremony attended by Penistone Mayor, the Penistone MP, local councillors, the PGS Principal, ex-armed forces personnel, school cadets and pupils and the public. Barnsley (Penistone) War Memorials. See also 1925 and 1948.
27th Oct Café Crème Opens - Penistone High Street. Run by Karen Tyas, a popular family-run eatery. It had been a Conservative Party office (rarely open except for tabletop sales), empty and cob-webbed for years, a Halifax Bank agency, Lee's café, another café then Café Crème. See the Cafés page.
2013   Penistone Ward Alliance - Formed this year, as a spin-off from the Penistone Area Council (PAC - six BMBC ward councillors; ie. three for Penistone East and three for Penistone West). Penistone Ward Alliance receives funding from BMBC for local use and has members drawn from local community, parish/town councils, businesses and faith representatives but is about 50% made up of PTC and BMBC councillors. An office in the former Carnegie Library attends to Ward Alliance and PAC requirements, with staff employed by BMBC (top end of the Town hall building). Its various activities often involve such as collaborating with as Age Concern in supporting elderly residents and reducing social isolation. From 2017, a particular peak in activity for March each year is organising the Penistone Arts Week, which has its roots in a similar idea in 2008. The Arts Week gathered momentum and became an important focus for local artistic talent over the ensuing years. The Penistone Area Review 2015/16 document (pdf) explains it all.
  Hawley's Sawmill Demolished - At Penistone Green, on the junction of Green Road and Mortimer Road. Before the sawmill was constructed, this had been the village green. This business had a long history but the building was not occupied for some years and fell into decay. Recorded in White's Sheffield & District Directory of 1871: Hawley, Thomas & Joseph (joiner and timber merchants, general wood turners, and saw mills), residing at Penistone in 1871. From Sheffield Indexers. See the 1820s and 1937. Of further interest is the planning page for the demolition and new housing development on the site at Barnsley MB Council: Planning Reference 2012/1127. The sawmill extended to 2,238m2 (24,092ft2 ) of gross internal floor area on two storeys within a site extending to 0.166 ha (0.41 acres).
May Frank Platts' Shop Closes - This television and white goods shop had a long history at the top of Shrewsbury Road, dating back at least to the 1960s (start date not known). At times, Frank Platt's had branches in Stocksbridge, Glossop, Shepley, Penistone and Holmfirth, with Holmfirth being the headquarters. Latterly, there were just two shops, Penistone and Holmfirth. The Penistone shop was still viable as a business when it closed but its third-generation owners had decided to sell up and realise their assets. The Holmfirth shop also closed at about the same time and became an arts and crafts shop. After renovations and a new, wider frontage, the Penistone shop re-opened as Harrington's Butcher (formerly next to Wiseman's) in June 2014. As a footnote, the late Brian Clegg had served in the shop for countless years and was well known and liked in our district. He died on a trip to Cuba in 2018 and his funeral was held on Thursday 22nd February 2018 in Penistone Church. See Barnsley Planning 2013/1397 for the change of frontage for the butcher's shop.
3rd June Top Gear Comes to Town - A popular tv show (at that time) 'Top Gear' visited Penistone, largely for the potential to make a typically juvenile joke out of the name. Presenters Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond joy-rode on a hovercraft. A gate sign was arranged to read 'Top Penis Engine Work' when partly open. Crowds gathered to catch a glimpse of the presenters but failed to ROFL.
12th June Car Accident - A woman had to be pulled out of a car which had crashed near the Dog and Partridge on the A628 Woodhead road. The regular fire and rescue crews were taking industrial action, requiring contingency firefighters to attend and use cutting equipment to remove the car roof for access to the driver, who was conscious and breathing. Yorkshire Air Ambulance also attended the incident.
June The Carnegie Free Library - Centenary year from 1913, when it stood alone as a building on Shrewsbury Road. The 'Town Hall and Council Rooms' (now Paramount) would be opened a year later in 1914. The old library had been part-funded by public subscription and by the American/Scottish philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie. The initials 'AC' can be seen in the doors facing Shrewsbury Road. Carnegie was largely responsible for the development of free public libraries throughout the USA and the UK, which helped us to be a literate and inventive nation. Unfortunately, following a dispute with the controlling Barnsley MB Council about ownership of the building, a rigorous search for the Carnegie Library deeds in Barnsley Archives by the late Cllr George Punt proved entirely fruitless. The deeds and other archive materials had been transferred to Barnsley after Local Government Reorganisation in the 1970s. One explanation for the missing deeds was that they were lost in a fire at Barnsley Archives. Another was that the filing system at the Barnsley Archives had lost them. Some locals suspected that it was in Barnsley Council's interest to 'lose' them. The centenary passed without ceremony. The library closed in its original building and moved to its current location next to St Andrew's in 1966. See History.
  James Durrans (Blacking Company) - Founded in 1863, the company celebrated its 150-year anniversary this year, having become a large company with four UK manufacturing sites, outposts in Germany and China and with joint ventures in South Africa, India, Germany and France. From James Durrans and Sons (website). In 2018, it was announced that the company would be involved in manufacturing the latest carbon technology to be used for next-generation computers. Blacking is made of carbon dust and has many applications, such as tyre manufacture and electrically-conductive film.
20th July Community-led Parish Plan Published (CLP) - The CLP committee had worked hard on the plan document, starting some time around 2011-12, and a questionnaire sent around local homes in May 2012. .Now the plan could take shape as a summary document. A stall on Penistone Market allowed the CLP team to meet the public, upon the publication of the plan document. The CLP process by Penistone Town Council had started in 2012 by a call to anyone interested in the future of Penistone to join a meeting. The document summarised responses from the local residents through a lengthy consultation, which included a CLP questionnaire. The idea was to look at the how our district would be developed and which facilities would be important. This was intended to be a five-year plan which would determine which actions and priorities would be followed up. Copies of the plan were distributed to Barnsley Council, local schools, doctors, dentists, the Police, SYPTE (South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive) and other interested authorities. The CLP might have had some influence but little power. It did prove useful as the basis of the later Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP), which also required a lot of work. The resulting NDP was also a long time in gestation but would be approved and signed off by BMBC on 27th August 2019. From the CLP document: 'Throughout 2011 and 2012, Penistone Town Council’s Development and Regeneration Committee consulted with the public of the civil parish of Penistone which includes Spring vale, Cubley, Hoylandswaine, Thurlstone, and Millhouse Green to understand their priorities for the development of the parish.' The CLP is not longer available on the PTC website but you can still download it from Wayback Machine: 'Community Led Parish Plan' and possibly find a printed copy in the Library.
23rd July Cycle Penistone - An application was made to the National Lottery by the 'Penistone and District Community Partnership' for £10,000 to fund 'Cycle Penistone - Let's Just Do it'. See National Lottery grants at the National Archives.
July Penistone Historic Archive - From their leaflet, this had been 'Re-born and opened to the public' following a request by Penistone Town Council (PTC) to take ownership and develop the archive. The Archive Group is an off-shoot of Penistone Local History Group, which was founded in 1986. The archive material is based upon a large collection of historical materials donated by the late Neville Roebuck, who passed away in 2009. Mr Roebuck had been trying for many years to find a home for his collection. For a time it was available to the public in a room below the Paramount on Market Days (Thursdays). Interest faded after Neville died and the collection went into storage beneath the Paramount Theatre's stage. A room was found for the group by PTC in the Lower Hall of the Community Centre (the former St John's School) and named 'The Neville Roebuck Room' in honour of his work. The History Group and public added to Neville Roebuck's collection to form the archive. Much of its contents were scanned and put into a searchable database on computer. By the end of 2014, the collection included more than 20,000 files, more than 200 books and a large number of photographs. The Archive is manned by volunteers and open to the public on Market Days. Although the group had been on Facebook for a while, a Penistone Archive website launched in 2018.
14th Sept PGS Reunion - This was a well-attended event at Penistone Bowling Club for those who left PGS in 1963 (give or take a year).
15th Dec Last Carol Service at Hoylandswaine Methodist Church, off Haigh Lane, prior to closing its doors. Although the capacity of this 206-year old church was 200, its usual congregation had ultimately dwindled to between eight and fifteen people. Methodist Minister Cameron Stirk oversaw the last Carol Service. (From Barnsley Chronicle article by Ed Elliot, Penistone Edition, 20th Dec 2013). See 1807 and 1999.
2014 2nd Apr Penistone 1 Opened - Overlooking St Mary's Street. This is a shops and offices complex which mostly overlooks St Mary's Street, on the site of the former slaughterhouse and lairage. The entrance lobby and offices are accessed from the newly-named 'Regent's Gardens' behind the Old Crown and Spread Eagle (Marsden's Square); the shops being mostly on St Mary's Street, with others on Market Lane. The official opening ceremony was led by Mark Dransfield of Dransfield Properties with Barnsley Council Leader Sir Stephen Houghton CBE as guest of honour. Penistone Mayor Cllr Jonathan Cutts and other councillors also attended. The event was the conclusion of many months building the new offices and shops complex. The highest unit was built on the site of the old 'Lock Up' (Penistone Jail) and designed with external features which hint at the former arched architecture. Some of the removed jail stonework was built into a new wall overlooking the St Mary's Street Roundabout, near the coal drops. Originally called 'The Gateway', the complex was re-named 'Penistone 1' just prior to opening. This area (behind the Old Crown) was formerly named Marsden's Square but the name was associated with the slaughterhouse on the site and now easily forgotten. See Dransfield's Penistone Page and Penistone 1 page.
17th April Dedication of the QEII Field in Trust - Plaque unveiled by the children's recreation area near the Bowling Club on Penistone Recreation Ground (usually called the 'Showground'). The QEII scheme was set up as part of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations of 2012, where the National Playing Fields Association oversaw the protection of land for recreational purposes, upon application and voting by the communities involved. This was the 'Fields in Trust' (FiT) scheme. Penistone's application resulted in a high return of, putting us in eighth place in the country for voter response. Upon Penistone's successful FiT application, Barnsley MB Council's cabinet signed a legal deed to make the area a 'Queen Elizabeth II Playing Field', to confer protection on the Showground 'forever', whilst still retaining 'ownership' and control. With this, Barnsley Council the freedom to sell it or use it for any other purpose than recreation and related activities was removed. Barnsley MB Council had assumed ownership of this recreation land and other public assets under the 1972 Local Government Act and had at one time plans to build a housing estate on the land, later abandoned. Mr Chris Copley of the National Playing Fields Association led the ceremony with a fine speech explaining the background to the scheme and Penistone Mayor Jonathan Cutts with Barnsley Mayor Ken Richardson unveiled the FiT plaque. See 2010 above.
4th May
Thurlstone New War Memorial - Inauguration. The War Memorial for Thurlstone had been proposed at the first AGM of Thurlstone Community Group (TCG) in January 2011, which had been formed the year before in January 2010. Various set-backs had delayed the sculpting of the stone, which was being made to a very high standard. This inaugural event was a year late, having been originally scheduled for Sunday 5th May 2013. The stone was donated by Roger Hunt of Hillside Quarry, designed by Jim Millner (stonemason and landscape gardener) and the lettering inscribed by Elizabeth Stokoe. By May 2014 it was completed and fixed in place. See January 2010 for the original discussion and November 2014 for the first Remembrance Sunday Ceremony with the new memorial. The Barnsley War Memorials Project is compiling Rolls of Honour for all of the borough's War Memorials. (Thurlstone)
13th May John Stones - The local footballer was featured in an Huddersfield Examiner article, titled: 'Why John Stones' elevation to England's standby squad brings pride to Penistone.'
24th May PGS Time Capsule Opened. The capsule had been discovered as an unexpected treasure when the Fulford Building (formerly called 'A' Block) was being demolished this year. The glass jar had been placed under the main entrance door. The Time Capsule was opened in a ceremony in Penistone Grammar School's main lecture theatre. The contents were extracted one by Jenny Conley of Barnsley Museum. The event was attended by several hundred people and overseen by PGS Principal Jo Higgins with Vice-Principal Paul Crook. The contents included a piece of the Yorkshire Post (8th April 1911), a list of tuition fees, a shilling (1/-), a florin (2/- = 20p in modern money), a hand-written note and a school prospectus. See PGS-Archive and Huddersfield Examiner.
  Penistone FM CR Licence. The five-year for Penistone FM was renewed, following modifications to the application and a reduction in the number of Directors. At this time, only one renewal for a 'Community Radio' class of broadcast licence is allowed under Ofcom rules, limiting the service to ten years in total. Having started on 6th June 2009, the last day would be in 2019. Ofcom reference: CR153. See Penistone FM on this website, the 2009 entry above and 2015 below.
28th June Hoylandswaine Village Festival - This would become an annual event including mediæval, classical and Male Voice Choir concerst, organ recitals, art exhibitions, garden parties and other events. The restored John Roddam-Spencer mural in the church was also unveiled. The first event was a Victorian Fayre on this day (Saturday) at Hoylandswaine school. Other events in the festival were on Saturday 19th July and Sunday 27th July.
  Penistone Literary Festival (Penlit) - Intended to be an annual event, this was very popular event which included talks by well-known and lesser-known authors, with some talks free and some paid for. Events were mostly located in the Community Centre but Ian MacMillan had an event at Penistone Grammar School. Penlit lasted a few years but it seemed to vanish, perhaps being absorbed into Penistone Arts Week which started in 2017.
  Penistone Leisure Centre ('Sporting Penistone') becomes a Charity. Based on the former Drill Hall on Manchester Road, between Penistone and Thurlstone, a grass roots organisation was formed in 2012 to provide sport facilities for our area. It became a registered charity 9th July 2014, amended 17th Nov 2017, number 1157786. See Penistone Leisure Centre (Facebook).
Sun 3rd August

Great War Remembrance Ceremony 11am, Stottercliff Cemetery, the day before the centenary day of the Great War of 1914-18, to honour The Fallen of that terrible conflict. Organised by Royal British Legion member Mr Joseph Pinguey, who had voluntarily cleaned the cemetery's war graves (now designated as Commonwealth War Graves) and some graves at Tankersley and Thurgoland, using materials donated by Naylor-Myers and Penistone Tesco. The event was well supported by the public, relatives of the Fallen, Army Cadets, Air Force Cadets, members of Penistone Town Council, with representation from the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry and the Yorkshire and Lancashire Regiment. The ceremony was led by Mr Terry Whittles, President of the Penistone Branch of the Royal British Legion (later to become national President) and assisted by Mr Derek Whitworth who laid a wreath with Penistone Mayor Cllr Steve Marsh. Wreaths were laid at plots marked by flags and guarded by cadets. Also wreaths from Representatives of the Armed Forces; RBL Officials; Dignitaries and Police. A bugler played the Last Post. (Details from Barnsley Chronicle, 1st Aug 2014).
Mon 4th
Great War Remembrance Ceremony - Penistone War Memorial, 11am 4th Aug (Centenary day). An event shown on TV from St Symphorien Military Cemetery, Mons, Belgium included British and Belgian Royalty and the British PM. The Germans had built the cemetery during the conflict and respectfully interred soldiers from both sides. Nationally, the Centenary was well covered, with newspaper 'Specials' and several hours of BBC television and radio coverage. The day culminated in a splendid ceremony in Westminster Cathedral with wartime poems, readings as candles were gradually extinguished. As part of the 'Million Candles' event, people in Penistone and throughout Europe lit candles (particularly in their windows) and turned out their lights at 10pm.
October Centenary of Thurlstone and Millhouse Green Methodist Church. The foundation stone had been laid on 11th April 1913 with the first service on 10th October 1914. A Flower Festival in June - July celebrated the centenary year. Looking at the exterior, the church is built with stone and has a porch with doors on both the outside and inside. Above the porch is a stained-glass window and above that a stone inscribed in beautiful gothic script: '1914' (and below that) 'Primitive Methodist Church'. A wooden cross also adorns the outside wall, now affixed to (and partly hiding) a plastic burglar alarm box. The sign outside describes the church as: 'Thurlstone Providence Particular Baptist Church'. Here is my description from 2016: The church has traditional wooden pews (still in place in 2017) and is mainly carpeted in red, except for the pews. The organ pipes are set back in an equilateral pointed arch surrounded by words in gothic script, blue with red initials: 'Enter Into His Courts With Praise'. An ornate pulpit is adorned by a red draped cloth carrying initials which appear to be 'JIL', overlaid with a large 'S'. The pulpit is set on a raised platform, which is quite wide, perhaps 12 foot long by 4 foot deep, and with a chair at one side. Before that at ground level is a wooden table, which might function as an altar, inscribed with the words: 'This is in remembrance of Me', standing between two austere, tall-backed wooden chairs. Before the table is a budded wooden cross on a three-step plinth. A spacious Sunday School room has removable wooden panels into the main part of the church. The room is used for functions and such as cream teas, as it has tables and chairs, and it has a toilet with fittings and access for the disabled. This delightful church continues to this day with a small congregation. It has a function room which can be used for community events . See also April 1913. See 1913.
16th Oct Historic Film Show - This was a talk and film at Penistone Library by Dave Cherry, a man previously for his 'Stairfoot Roundabout' song and an amateur historian. This free event was also the launch of Mr Cherry's murder mystery novel, 'The Woodhead Diaries.' It was well-attended.
22nd Oct Two Children Murdered by their Father - This terrible crime was committed in a semi-detached house in Tennyson Close (off Wentworth Road), Penistone. Two children, Jack (12) and Paul Sykes (9), died as a result of a fire deliberately started by their father, Darren Sykes, using an accelerant. The parents had seperated but the father could visit the children. The boys had been lured by the promise of a new model railway set and were excited by the prospect, only to be locked in a room and the house set alight, preventing their escape. The fire service arrived quickly at 6.30pm. The street was cordoned off and a neighbouring house ventilated to remove what smelt like petrol fumes. The father and youngest son died on the day but the older son bravely clung to life in hospital for six days before passing away in his mother Claire Sykes' arms. She made the statement: "They had no chance. They were like rats in a trap and they fell for his cold and calculated plan." The Daily Mirror front page was taken up by the story and it was strongly featured in national media and local newspapers, but the local radio station did not report on it. The boys' funeral occurred on the rainy morning of Friday 14th November at Penistone Church with a human chain formed by the public around the church. This was very well attended by local people wearing bright clothes as requested. Again, it featured in the national media and local newspapers. Penistone Grammar School held their own service at the same time, as Paul had been a pupil there. The Penistone community was shocked by this callous crime and very moved by the funeral. A collection in local shops raised more than £4,000 to help the bereaved mother. The father's funeral was conducted privately and without publicity in a Manchester crematorium. As the cost of renovating the house was not insurable, the local community rallied around to raise funds and do the work, most notably by Penistone Round Table. Local builders and tradesmen also pitched in at their own expense and several 'Care for Claire' events held to raise money. As Penistone Bonfire Night followed soon after, it was thought insensitive to perform the usual burning of Guy Fawkes and the usual competition for the 'Best Guy' was abandoned. Memorial and fund-raising events continued into 2016. Claire would go on to set up a 'Heads Together' fund-raiser (unconnected with the national charity of the same name) to help bereaved parents. See BBC News and Daily Mail online for 14th November 2014.
31st Oct Centenary of Penistone Town Hall (The Paramount Theatre) celebrated in an invitation-only ceremony which closely replicated the opening events of 1914. See the Town Hall history page for a full description of the event, which received publicity on BBC TV's 'Look North' but was avoided by Penistone FM. A year-long series of events was also planned to run up to November of the next year, which would be the centenary of films being being shown there. Although it has generally been used for film shows and live entertainment, its function as a public hall had continued as a requirement of its use. This centenary event celebrated an important milestone in the development of Penistone's stature as a town, when it gained a new 'Town Hall and Council Rooms' in 1914. The new building was attached to the year-old Carnegie Library and had been financed from the community through an additional cost on local taxes. The adjacent Masonic Hall was built at the same time. Although a civic occasion, the centenary event was by invitation only with an intention to replicate the 1914 opening event as closely as practicable, including the same style of food and drink buffet. Fine speeches were delivered by Kirklees Mayor Cllr Ken Smith, Penistone Mayor Cllr Steve Marsh, Barnsley Mayor Cllr Tim Shepherd and Paramount Manager, Mr Brian Barnsley. The appreciative audience included two former managers, Steve Tales and John Milner, also the Penistone MP Angela Smith. Thurlstone Brass Band played as their forbears had done in 1914. There had been a news blackout by Penistone FM and the local council but a crew from BBC TV 'Look North' presented a very good interview with the Manager Brian Barnsley, live on air. The Barnsley Chronicle also followed up with an excellent article by Penistone reporter Ed Elliott, outlining the event and the history of the Town Hall (providing some useful information for this website). As of 2014, a long-running search for legal documentation to 'prove' its ownership by the people of Penistone continued for a long time without success, having been started by the late Councillor George Punt in the 1990s. Various reasons had been put for the loss of the deeds, such as a fire in the Barnsley Archives or flooding in the Town Hall. For a time in the mid-naughties, Barnsley MB Council had considered selling the building, having appropriated Penistone's assets in the Local Government Reorganisation 1972, enacted 1974. Town Hall History.
9th Nov
First Remembrance Sunday of Thurlstone's New War Memorial. Warrant Officer David Nettleton of the Royal Logistic Corps (RLC), a serving soldier, read out the roll of the Fallen. Others attending were: Mrs Sharon Unsworth, St Saviour's Church; Mrs Charlotte Gibbins, Thurlstone School; Frank Hart, RBL; Cllr Joe Unsworth, BMBC; Cllr Steve Webber, PTC; Miss Joanne Whittaker, Daisy Chains and Mrs Maxine Daly-Widnall, TCG. The event was helped by Margaret Crossland of St Saviour's Church, Thurlstone and local schoolchildren took part in the proceedings by placing their crosses on the memorial. WO David Nettleton saluted the memorial after the two minutes' contemplative silence. Wreaths were laid from organisations, the church and the two public houses. See January 2010 and May 2014.
15th Dec PTC Meeting - Penistone Town Councillors met with managers from Barnsley Council to press for answers on what had happened to £850,000 which had been paid into Section 106 funds by the developers of industrial units towards a transport interchange in Penistone. From an earlier meeting, they had discovered that some of the Section 106 money had been used towards industrial units at Spring Vale, but also used to pay the salary of a BMBC Business Development Manager. Section 106 funds are paid by developers to offset their, for example, failure to provide affordable housing, etc., and is supposed to be used to improve the lives of those affected by those developments. The funds are typically used towards local facilities, not for the salaries of Barnsley Council functionaries. This was embarrassing for BMBC who tried to keep a lid on it. See the PFM News Item for 18th December 2014.
2015 Fri 8th,
Sat 9th
'Penistone Remembers' VE Day - A small remembrance service on the actual anniversary day of Friday 8th May and a special 70th Anniversary thanks-giving service in Penistone Church on Saturday 9th May. This service was packed out with 'standing room only' at the back. It was led by curate Rev. Anne Parr, with an address by MP Angela Smith and a bible reading from St John by Mr Terry Whittles, national vice-chair of the Royal British Legion and President of Penistone RBL Branch. It had a 1940s theme with wartime music, Pathé newsreels and the church bells were rung. This remembered an historic moment in our country, the declaration of peace after more than five years of war. Service associations and some of Penistone's oldest WWII veterans attended. The catering ladies wore 1940s-style dungarees. In August. a small service by the War Memorial remembered VJ Day. The 'Penistone Remembers' phrase originated at this website. VE Day and VJ Day.
May St Mary's RC Church - 50th anniversary and redecorated for the event. The church was built by John Callanan and consecrated by Bishop George Dwyer, Bishop of Leeds on Monday 31st May 1965. It is not clear how the nearby St Mary's street came to be so-named but it long preceded the building of St Mary's church.
6th June Penistone FM - The CR radio station relocated into Suite 7 of the 'Penistone 1' Development, overlooking St Mary's Street and opposite Penistone RBL but only accessible from the rear of the building. This was on the sixth anniversary of the radio station. See the News Item from Dransfield Properties. The big move was from 8a High Street, above the Cafe Crème. After a very successful public support campaign in March 2016, Penistone FM was awarded £48,683 from ITV's People's Projects. See Penistone FM on this website and the 2009 entry above.
New Picnic Area in 2015. The local Trans-Pennine Trail Volunteers set up a picnic area near Bullhouse bridge, complete with information board describing the Bullhouse Bridge derailment accident of 1884. The sign reads 'This was the site of a rail disaster in 1884. An express passenger train derailed here and continued down the embankment, killing 24 people.'
24th July Well Pharmacy - Penistone Mayor Cllr Andrew Millner officially launched the former Penistone Co-op Chemist under its new name of Well Pharmacy. The shop was well-established until national mismanagement of the Co-op's banking arm threw the brand into free fall, leading to cut-backs throughout the Co-op businesses. The survival strategy was to sell off the Co-op pharmacies to 'Well Pharmacies' in 2014. To make the take-over as seamless as possible, the Co-op name continued until 2015 with the same staff and services retained. Well Pharmacies is part of the multinational 'Bestway' conglomerate which originated in Pakistan. From Wikipedia: 'Following months of speculation, The Co-operative Group revealed in July 2014, that they had come to an agreement to divest the pharmacy business to the Bestway Group for £620 million. The sale was completed in October 2014 and Bestway were given a licence to continue using the Co-operative brand for 12 months. In 2015, Bestway began to re-brand the company as Well.'
Nov New War Memorial at Ingbirchworth - From Paul Whitehouse in the Barnsley Chronicle, the new War Memorial was the culmination of a long-term project by Gunthwaite and Ingbirchworth Parish Council, which leased the site on Wellthorne Avenue from Barnsley Council for 125 years, at a peppercorn rent. Two Rolls of Honour, from the Great War (55 names) and  WWII (17 names) were rescued from the recently-closed Ingbirchworth Methodist Church by Ingbirchworth shopkeeper, Arthur Holmes. His late wife Marlene had been the church secretary. The Rolls of Honour were displayed in Arthur's shop on Wellthorne Lane until the shop closed down. The Barnsley War Memorials Project had recruited volunteers to compile Rolls of Honour on all of the borough's War Memorials. From Pen Area Review, p.16, pdf: 'Elizabeth Stoker did the graphic design for the inscription, Dave Bedford a local stonemason carved the inscription, Marshall’s Quarry donated stone for the plinth and local farmer, and roofing contractor Ged Parker provided and operated heavy machinery to lift the main obelisk into place. Six residents assisted with the considerable labour involved. The project came to fruition through the commitment of members from Ingbirchworth Parish Council and a grant of £3,850 from the Penistone West Ward Councillors' Devolved Ward Budget.'
Nov Centenary of films being shown in Penistone Town Hall (Paramount Theatre). Friday 20th November 2015 was the centenary date of films being first shown in Penistone Town Hall in 1915, which had opened in 1914. The Town Hall premises had been let to Mr Jesson after the Penistone Urban District Council licenced it for 'Cinematographic entertainments'. At the time, there had been a rival cinema operating off St Mary's Street for several years. This centenary event was celebrated by the showing of popular films from across the decades. See Town Hall History.
2016 Feb. Wortley Church Bells Re-hung - The bells, bearings and other bell fixtures of St Leonard’s church had become extremely worn, which also affected the accuracy of change ringing. They had been originally fitted in 1893 by John Warner and Sons Bell Founder (est. 1739) of London, now closed down (see Grace's Guide) but which used 'Big Ben, London' as its telegraphic address. The bells and fixtures were extensively overhauled in the modern age by John Taylor and Co. Bell Founder of Loughborough, fitting new headstocks, gudgeons, ball races and with everything completed in February 2016. This followed three years of fund-raising for the £43,000 needed for the work. There were many contributors to the fund but, in particular: Viridor Credits Environmental Company, The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers, The Yorkshire Association Bell Repair Fund, the YACR Sheffield Branch 100 Club, Sharpe Trust, Irwin Mitchell LLP Charity Fund, Wortley Parish Council, The Post Office Trust Charity and The Blakemoor Foundation. Details of the bells can be found on Wortley Tower, which describes the eight bells hung for full-circle ringing by experienced tower bell ringers. The Tenor bell weighs 11½ hundredweight (586 kg). There might be further references from these campanologists' publications.
22nd Feb. Death of Professor David Hey - The well-known local historian died after a short illness. David was late of Sheffield University as Emeritus Professor of Local and Family History and former Dean of the Faculty of Education. He wrote many local history books which are still in print. From Sheffield FHS, 'David’s passing is not only a loss to the society but to the wider study of local and family history.' An Obituary appeared in the Guardian newspaper. Some of his titles (dates from Amazon, which might not be first edition dates):
  • 'A History of Yorkshire: County of the Broad Acres' (2012),
  • 'Family Names and Family History' (2003),
  • 'Journeys in Family History: Exploring Your Past, Finding Your Ancestors' (2003),
  • 'A History of Penistone and District' (2002),
  • 'How Our Ancestors Lived: A History of Life 100 Years Ago'(2002),
  • 'History of Sheffield' (1998),
  • 'The Oxford Guide to Family History' (1993),
  • 'Family History and Local History in England' (1987)
  • 'Yorkshire from Ad 1000 (Regional History of England)' (1986),
  • 'Buildings of Britain, 1550-1750 : Yorkshire' (1981),
  • 'The Making of South Yorkshire' (1979),
  • 'An English Rural Community: Myddle Under the Tudors and Stuarts' (1974).
Mar 50th Anniversary of Penistone Library - Of course, this was not the first Library in Penistone but it was purpose-built and opened in 1966. The anniversary was marked by exhibition stands from local societies and authors, a fine speech by the Mayor, Cllr Andrew Millner and a good spread of buffet food. Previous Librarians were in evidence and MP Angela Smith also attended but did not take part. The occasion was well-attended. See the Town Hall History page for historic details of the Library and its predecessor.
19th Mar Penistone NDP Launch - The Penistone Neighbourhood Development Plan (Penistone NDP) was launched 9.30am to 1pm in the Lower Hall, Penistone St John's Community Centre. This followed on from an earlier 'Community-led Plan (CLP) which was used to help form the NDP. An NDP referendum was held on 11th July 2019 in the Penistone district as part of the process. See Penistone Town Council's NDP section BMBC's Penistone NDP section. The official Penistone NDP website has now been taken down, probably because the final plan can be found from the links here. Pen NDP's various updates can still be found on the Wayback Machine.
  Archealogical Dig Commenced - Some time this year. This was at Nether Mill near Bridge End before it would be demolished to make way for new executive style houses. (Archives:) 'The dig had to be completed within eight weeks before the developers were allowed to build there. It was the next to last day when they uncovered the outline of the actual wheel etched in the stone.' Paul Martin Mellor was one of those doing the dig and Marlene Marshall of Penistone Archive Group took many pictures of the revealed features. The outline of a water wheel was found on the very last day of dig. The farmhouse was dated 1636 but the site might have been in use much earlier, possibly back to the Domesday book which refererred to armour or weapons being made in Penistone. This item from Penistone Archive on Facebook. Factoid, when Mrs Margaret Thatcher toured Britain as Prime Minister in the lead-up to elections (some time in the nineties), she stayed there overnight.
29th April Penistone HSBC Bank Closed - An arrangement was made for personal customers to use the Post Office counter. From Penistone Branch Closure Assessment (pdf): 'The agreement we have with the Post Office® allows our personal customers to use any of the Post Office® counters to pay in cash or cheques, withdraw money or check their balance. Using their HSBC Business Debit Card, business customers can use any of the Post Office® counters to pay in and withdraw cash or check their balance. Varying limits will apply to cash transactions and customers should check this in advance with the local Post Office®.' Other HSBC Branch closures were announced for Almondbury and Denby Dale, with the Holmfirth branch due to close in January 2017. At the same time of this announcement, Penistone Natwest Bank advertised its reduced opening hours and this was a prelude to its being scheduled to close in 2018, leaving Penistone without a bank (see 2018 below). According to the Telegraph newspaper, 399 HSBC branches closed in 2015. HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank) had previously taken over the Midland Bank chain. See HSBC 'Branch Closure Impact' which lists some of the later closures.
16th June Fox Valley Opened - Stocksbridge's new shopping centre was officially launched by Joanna Lumley OBE on Thursday, 16th June 2016. See BBC and Fox Valley.
1st July 'Penistone Remembers the Somme' - Ceremony by Penistone War Memorial (Penistone Church) commemorated the Somme campaign (July to November 1916) in the Great War which resulted in a huge loss of life affecting towns and villages throughout the land. Fifteen local casualties were honoured in Penistone: Thomas Brewer, KOYLI; Charles Burman, Manchester Regiment; Colin Clarke, Yorks/Lancs Regiment; John Clarkson, Manchester Regiment; Frank Fearnley, Yorks/Lancs Regiment; Ernest Fennel, Yorks/Lancs Regiment; William Jones, Royal Field Artillery; Ernest Knowels, Scottish Borderers; Frank Peace, Yorks/Lancs Regiment; James Peaker, West/Yorks Prince of Wales; Fred Platt, Yorks/Lancs Regiment; William Read, Yorks/Lancs Regiment; Charles Swift, Yorks/Lancs Regiment; Albert Vaughton, Yorks/Lancs Regiment; Albert Webster, Yorks/Lancs Regiment. Father David Hopkin conducted the event and Penistone's Deputy Mayor Cllr Andrew Millner officiated. PGS and St John's School pupils also were involved. Some of those whose family members had WW1 medals from the Somme put them on. The War Memorial area was cordoned off but, as it was a weekday, traffic continued to flow. Local radio station, Penistone FM, provided the PA system. Turnout was perhaps fifty people in a dignified ceremony. Following on in the church, St John's school juniors individually read out names of the fallen. Tea was provided and there were exhibition stands depicting points in the war. The phrase 'Penistone Remembers' was first used on this website and subsequently adopted by others.

Kestrel Carving Unveiled - Pye Flatts, Hoylandswaine. The carving of a kestrel had been commissioned by Granville Danny Clark, the TV artist and owner of Pye Flatts to honour the 1969 film, 'Kes' based upon the Barry Hines novel 'A Kestrel for a Knave' where a young lad (played by Dai Bradley) looks after a kestrel. The kestrel was expertly carved by Stephen Tarr, who has also made other notable wood carvings and both the Tesco bench and the RAF bench at Penistone Grammar School. Mr Tarr, Dai Bradley and GD Clark attended the unveiling. The wildflower meadow of Pye Flatts is known to be frequented by kestrels. Granville is noted for his paintings and was one half of the 'Foggy Dew-o' folk singers.

  Penistone Literary Festival (Penlit) - Special guests this year were: Milly Johnson, ex-PGS lad Marek Kukula, Gervase Phinn, Mike Harding and Gyles Brandreth.
Oct Stealing Carer - The Times Newspaper, 21st October 2016, carried a report from Sheffield Crown Court. A carer had been in the habit of stealing money from elderly Oxspring resident Mrs Diana Bramall, with the takings used to pay bills and go on cruises. The family had noticed money going missing over time and rigged up a camera which caught the 48-year-old thief in the act of stealing from Mrs Bramall's handbag, on 24 occasions. It might have caught more thefts if the camera had always worked properly. The carer, who lived in Thurgoland, claimed that she began stealing when she got into financial difficulties while running a convenience store and supporting her two sons, one of whom was at university. Mrs Bramall was very upset that someone she trusted could repeatedly steal from her. The carer was named in the press and sent to jail for ten months.
27th Nov 'Kes' at the Paramount (Film) - A poster at the Paramount announced a special event: 'The Mayor of Barnsley is delighted to invite you to a special screening of the film 'Kes' at Penistone Paramount.' It explained the background of the film and how it had been based on Barry Hines' book 'A Kestrel for a Knave.' Barry's relatives would also be attending. Ticket price was £10, as a fund-raiser for Barnsley Mayor's charity supporting dementia sufferers. Perhaps a little-known fact but Barry Hines taight at Spring Vale school for a while in the 1950s.
Dec. JT Smith furniture shop closes. Established 1873 and trading as 'JT Smith & Sons', it latterly traded as 'JTS Interiors' but had also traded as 'Jaytees' online. Address: 6-10, St. Mary's St, Penistone, S36 6DT. The shop building was owned by Penistone Grammar School but rented out on their behalf by Barnsley Council (BMBC). It was allegedly becoming too expensive to run. Soon after it closed, Barnsley Council advertised the shop for rent at £2,000 a month (£24,000 a year). The Thurlstone branch of the same company had closed many years earlier.
2017 13th to
16th Feb.
Filming of 'Angel 2.0' - In Penistone. This was a short film and trans-media project starring Jim Moir, Jane Horrocks and Kayode 'Kay' Ewumi. The cast had rehearsed on 13th Feb. as equipment was being rigged. Shooting in the Paramount took place over two days, 14th/15th Feb. The third day of shooting took place at The Huntsman, Thurlstone. The story: Frank the angel (Kayode Ewumi) is on his last mission before returning to heaven. He encounters psychic Bernard (Jim Moir aka Vic Reeves), performing in Bernard de La Reine's 'Talking With Angels' World Tour at one of his psychic shows. He is not doing well and arouses audience scepticism. Bernard's unseen wife Cheryl (Jane Horrocks) causes confusion through a hidden earpiece. 'Angel 2.0' was written and directed by Nick Wild. Producers: Nicci Topping and Rob Speranza; Production Manager: Mario Roberto; First Assistant Director: Joe Burrows. Two ARRI cameras were used as 'A' and 'B' cameras. As many as 150 extras ('Supporting Actors') took part (including yours truly). The registered company, Angel 2.0 appeared to be registered to Dunford Bridge. The film was shown in Sheffield in February 2019.
16th Feb. Opening of Penistone's Public Toilet - The one Penistone asset that has been flushed with success, a new loo for Penistone town centre. The 2017 Penistone Mayor, Cllr Paul Hand-Davis, officially pulled the chain for Penistone's brand new Public WC with the proud support of local councillors and an admiring public. It was the same day that filming took place in the Paramount with Vic Reeves (real name Jim Moir), being amused by the proceedings. The former Ladies' Toilet had been renovated to become a 20p coin-operated unisex loo with wheelchair access and baby-changing facilities. It was also a magnet for bored vandals. The former Gents' toilet was sealed up as a sort-of DNA-loaded time capsule, to become re-discovered in years to come. Now wash your hands please.
Feb Penistone Centre Stage Folds - Planned for 15th to 18th March 2017, their last production of 'Calamity Jane' had to be cancelled. A message appeared on Facebook dated 2nd February: 'Unfortunately, due to unforseen circumstances we are having to cancel our production of Calamity Jane. We thank you for all of your support.' and on 27th February 201: 'Unfortunately due to declining membership and lack of funds we have had to take the painful and sad decision to fold Penistone centre stage musicals. I would like to say "A big vote of thanks!" to everyone who has been a part of and supported us throughout the years. We couldn't have gone as long as we did without you. Thank You xx.' The Barnsley Chronicle of Friday 16th June announced the group's demise following their cancellation of Calamity Jane, which they said was mostly due to a lack of cast. The group was founded in 1922 as Penistone Operatic Society and had kept that name for most of its 95 years.
March Penistone Arts Week - The beginning of an annual programme of music, films, talks, arts and crafts events, some of which would have been happening anyway. It is organised by the Penistone Ward Alliance, whose office is in the Town Hall building (the former Carnegie Library). A failed attempt at an earlier Penistone Arts Festival in 2008 might have had a tenupous connection with the later effort. Penistone Arts Week, Facebook.
March/April Bicycle Sculpture - A steel sculpture by local artist Suze Crawshaw was affixed to the 'Penistone One' building overlooking St Mary's Street roundabout, on Maundy Thursday, 13th April. Suze's work was done for no charge as her contribution towards Penistone's Tour de Yorkshire celebrations. The steel used was paid for by a donation. Dransfield Properties was credited with allowing it to be fixed to their building as a permanent feature. Penistone made a huge effort as a community to support the Tour de Yorkshire bicycle race of this year, of which Stage 3 passed through our district on 30th April. To this end most shops and cafes decorated windows and walls with yellow bicycle images and the street was lined with blue Yorkshire flags. Many of the flag fittings were newly-installed in April. The 7-foot flagpoles had been made for a new Armed Forces Day event for 24th June the same year.
30th April
The Tour de Yorkshire. A magnificent day for the Penistone District. Stage three of the international cycle race set off from Bradford and, about four hours later, would pass through Millhouse Green, Thurlstone, Penistone, Oxspring, Thurgoland and beyond, to four categorised climbs and to eventually finish at the new Fox Valley shopping area. Several music stands and sideshows were set up in the Town Centre and villages on the route and many of the local shops and cafes were unusually open for a Sunday. The race was enthusiastically received by a crowd which was estimated by BMBC to be in the region of 9,000 to 10,000 spectators. A full report on this major local event can be found on a dedicated Tour de Yorkshire 2017 page on this site.
21st May Celebratory Birthday, Bullhouse Chapel - A special celebratory service was held to mark 325 years from the chapel being founded in 1692, with continuous worship therefrom. The service which included handbell ringing by the 'Clangers' with David Biltcliffe on the organ and soloist David Messenger was led by Rev'd Philip Bee.
  'Vehoparts' Car Spares Shop Closes. Just up the High Street from Penistone town centre, 'Vehoparts' had opened twenty years earlier in 1997. The shopkeeper had been very helpful with customers, to the extent of fitting car batteries, windscreen wipers, headlight bulbs and more for no extra charge. He retired to remove to France. The building has an interesting history and there had long been shops at both sides of it. If you study the left-side exterior, you can see the outline of an archway which led to the rear of the building. The Vehoparts fellow thought it might have been used by pack horses in the olden days. In the late 1950s to early 60s, part of the building was a TV and radio shop, owned by George and Ruth Marsh. After that, it became Mrs Janet Mott's wool shop. Mrs Hilda Champion also had the shop to sell wool and 'Tuff' shoes. She was selling school shoes there in 1964. Later it (or next door) became Mrs Pat James' School of Driving and a Mrs Stubbs had a driving school there. Many thanks to members of Penistone Archive Group on Facebook for contributing their local knowledge and filling in some of the gaps for this item.
June UK Population exceeds 66 million. The Office of National Statistics (ONS) gave the 2017 UK population as 66,040,229, an increase of 392,000 people since mid-2016, having also increased by 7 million since the year 2000. It was predicted to exceed 70 million by 2029 (BBC article). The UK includes Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The 1911 census gave the population of England and Wales as 36,070,492. In 1871 had been 22,712,266. (A Vision of Britain)
  Policing Restoration Campaign - There was concern about the decline of policing in our area, caused by government cut-backs in funding. The local Labour party was prominent in campaigning, among others. The Police and Crime Commissioner, Dr Paul Billings, attended a public meeting on the matter in the Council Chamber. He tried to explain how money was spent to the best overall advantage. When told that Penistone had not received its fair share of police cover, he remarked that our funding also helped to maintain policing in Barnsley Town centre, with the remark that - 'We all use Barnsley town centre, so it benefits us all' - but he was very surprised to discover that many of the public attending the meeting had little interest in Barnsley and rarely went there.
  Penistone Cricket Club - Celebrates its 150th anniversary from 1867. See Penistone Cricket Club on Facebook.
  Penistone Players Fold. This was the second thespian group to end this year, after Penistone Centre Stage. Its assets were distributed among community-centred groups and societies. The only remaining thespian group would now be Penistone Theatre Group, best known for its children's pantomimes in January each year.
Aug Deliberate Car Crash - A court found that a car was deliberately driven into the Traveller's Inn, Oxspring at 92 mph. 29-year-old Owen Scott had picked up his three children and a stepdaughter from his ex-partner's home in Southampton on the pretext of going shopping, before taking an epic car journey around the country which concluded in the crash. His behaviour was explained as a psychotic episode. All four children were badly injured (BBC News). On appeal, his jail sentence was raised from a minimum of 14 to 24 years (BBC News).
2nd Sept Penistone Church Football Club played and won their first FA Cup qualifier match. This was versus Whitby Town in the Emirates FA Cup First Qualifying Round. Church won the game 3 - 2, after an early Whitby goal and an early PCFC sending off, with the remaining game played by only ten men on our local team. A home-goal by Penistone felt like an ill omen for the match and the score was 1 - 2 to Whitby until just before half time, when PCFC scored the equaliser, to a rousing cheer. The second half was largely uninspiring until the very last minutes, when new energy infused both teams. Penistone's winning goal was scored right at the end of the match. This had been a historic day for PCFC (and Penistone) in their first-ever shot at the actual FA Cup. Penistone Church FC, (Facebook)
15th Sept Penistone Grammar School to Enlarge. A proposal to increase the school's current capacity of 1400 pupils to 1650 pupils, with effect from September 2018 (implemented on a phased basis), was accepted by the Cabinet of BMBC. The proposal was submitted by the 'School Access Manager,' Maggie Francis. In a letter to PGS parents and guardians dated 29th November 2017, details of the proposals had previously been sent to 'interested parties' followed by a four-week consultation. To implement the decision, some re-modelling of the school interior is planned and a new extension to be built. The extra places to become available from 2019 onwards. An update from 27th September stated that: 'The Government’s indicative figures suggest the school should receive an additional £878,000 next year and an additional £1,164,000 the following year compared with the current school year.' The November Newsletter (pdf) reiterated that the school was to benefit from the Government’s National Funding proposals (NFF). We might speculate on the new funding influencing the expansion proposal. See 'Statutory Process for Enlargement of PGS' (pdf).
Sat 14th
Silent Film Special - Penistone Paramount. In a very full theatre, Buster Keaton's 'The General' silent film was shown and accompanied by Jonathan Eyre on the mighty Compton cinema organ. This had followed on from an hour of happy organ music performed by a very jolly Elizabeth Harrison, which was also well-received. Penistone is one of the few remaining places in this country where a silent film with accompanying organ music is still possible (and with an interval and beer). See Town Hall History.
Sun 15th
'What's Your Penistone' - This public consultation event took place on a very cold and windy day in the Market Barn and looked at ideas for possible alterations to the Town Hall building and elsewhere in Penistone. A group of enthusiastic but poorly-briefed Architect Masters students from Sheffield University held the event to seek ideas from the public on how to improve our town and its main focal points, the Railway Station, Town Hall Building and Market Barn. Being briefed by BMBC operatives, the students did not know our local history, about the local council's existence or that the Council Chamber was in regular use by PTC and others. This event was part of BMBC's 'Principal Towns' project with funding available to encourage economic regeneration across the borough. The funding came about after large sums had been allocated to renovate Barnsley town centre and to mollify surrounding places which might otherwise become resentful. Penistone is one of the 'Principal Towns' and could attract spending. The student event would bring fresh eyes into the town to pick up on its weaknesses and strengths. The students set up a 'Penistone Live' Facebook page. See Town Hall History and the BMBC Planning Application 2021/1658 in 2020 below.
19th Dec New Funeral Parlour - Penistone Co-op Funeralcare office officially opened to a capacity audience, 1pm, Tuesday 19th December by PTC Councillor Roger Hinchliff (Penistone Mayor for 2017-2018) and the Regional Operations Manager, John Edward Sidlow. The ceremony was also an ecumenical blessing service led by Fr Rev'd David Hopkin, who cast holy water throughout the building. The funeral parlour is an attachment to the existing Co-operative food store on the corner of Park Avenue and Market Street in Penistone with its own entrance on Park Avenue. It has a reception area, a consulting room and a Chapel of Rest. Two rotating staff manage the branch and organise occasional charity coffee mornings. The Penistone branch of Co-operative Funeralcare comes under the Barnsley section based at 50 Huddersfield Road, Barnsley, S75 1DR. Their limousines and hearses are kept in Barnsley.
Dec Natwest Bank to Close - Penistone branch announced its closure to take effect on Wednesday 27th June 2018. This follows the 2016 closure of the other bank (HSBC - see above), to leave Penistone with no banking facility beyond the Post Office. From the 1869-1969 centenary booklet of Penistone Urban District Council, the building on the corner of St Mary's Street had previously been occupied by the National Provincial Bank which had moved from a smaller site near the former Rose and Crown. The building was re-built in 1934. In 1968 the NP Bank announced its merger with Westminster Bank Ltd., but it continued to trade under its own name until vesting day of National Westminster Bank in 1970. Westminster Bank Ltd. (1836-1969) merged with the National Provincial Bank in 1970 to form the National Westminster Bank. The National Provincial Bank continued to exist as a dormant non-trading company until it was dissolved in 2016. National Westminster Bank was re-styled as 'Natwest' in 1995. See Everpedia and Westminster Bank.
2018 The
Weather Extremes. A cold, snowy winter described as 'The Beast from the East' was followed by a long, hot and very dry summer, May to July, although local reservoirs were reasonably full until late August. An autumnal air crept in after the 'Indian Summer' of early September. This year had seen several violent storms across the Atlantic, arriving here in diminished form. 'Storm Ali' blew in on 19th September and caused chaos in Northern Ireland and Scotland, to be quickly followed in northern Britain by 'Storm Bronagh.' This brought gusting winds of 45 to 55mph, reaching more than 70 mph in places and torrential rain leading to more than 40 flood alerts across Britain. Trees parted company with bits and pieces, most visible while driving down the wooded Underbank Lane towards Stocksbridge. Sheffield received more than 30mm of rain, which is more than a typical month but in just one day. A September photograph on Facebook showed Ladybower reservoir being low enough to see the remains of old buildings. See Storm Bronagh at the Met Office.
Penistone Arts Week (or Festival) - Funded by Barnsley Council, this Penistone Ward Alliance initiative had its beginnings in late 2017 (although there had been an earlier attempt in 2008, see below). This was a week of artistic events including pottery, painting, night photography, poetry walks and open microphone sessions. The Paramount showed two popular Willy Russell films, 'Educating Rita' and 'Shirley Valentine.' A Comedy Train was scheduled on the Penistone Line. Other events inculded a Barnsley Metropolitan Band concert, poetry in Cafe Creme, a craft group in Silkstone, Milly Johnson at the White Hart (with all tickets sold in one day), rappers and healthy eating advice in the Market Barn, a typewriter session in the Coucil Chamber, a poetry event at Wortley Top Forge, and more. The Arts Week concluded with 'An Audience with Willy Russel' (otherwise titled 'Educating Rita Meets Educating Yorkshire') 24th March, hosted by Channel 4's Johnny Mitchell, star of the award-winning documentary, 'Educating Yorkshire.' Some events were associated with the Barnsley-based 'Hear My Voice Festival' a three-year project of creativity, poetry and words managed by Barnsley Museums. This was not the first attempt at a Penistone Arts Festival. An earlier attempt occurred in 2008, in association with the now-defunct 'Penistone and District Community Partnership' (PDCP). Several artistic and innovative ideas were planned in 2008 but most of them failed to materialise. The event did not continue at that time but this one, which is always longer than one week passed the test of time and has become an annual event. The Ward Alliance is a body of local people (50% councillors), as a spin-off from Penistone Area Council (the six councillors who represent the Penistone East and Penistone West BMBC wards). See Penistone Arts Week (Facebook).
18th Mar Ken Stuart RiP - The well-known and respected local dairy farmer of Dyson Cote Farm (pronounced ' Dyson Coit'), Underbank, passed away in hospital on this day. His sons David and Michael continue to run the farm. The Facebook site for K Stuart & Sons had reminiscences about Ken's life but also this message from the family: 'R.I.P Ken Stuart ("The Gaffer") who sadly passed away on Sunday night weeks short of his 89th Birthday. Born in Howbrook in 1929, his family moved to Castle Green Farm, Penistone when he was about five years old, where he lived and worked until when he married Joyce in 1956 and bought Dyson Cote Farm. At the time, it was only 45 acres with little in the way of buildings but, over the years, the farm and business started to include rented land to farm around 1000 acres in 2018. Farming was Ken's life and he always took great interest in what was going on right until the end, despite being seriously ill in hospital. The people at Dyson Cote Farm could always go to him for advice, and he always had the answers. Ken will be buried on the farm where he had lived and worked for most of his life ' Ken's wife Joyce passed away in 2019.
June Penistone Mayor's Parade and Gala - The parade theme was 'Magic of the Musicals' and the Gala had a children's Fun Zone with Laser Quest, Base Jump slides and trampolines. Gala admission fee was £3.50 for adults and free for under-16s.
27th Jun Natwest Bank Closed - Formerly a shop, the corner building (Market St - St Mary's St) was rebuilt and opened in the 1930s. The closure would leave Penistone without any bank for the first time in over a century. Other Penistone banks which closed were HSBC (former Midland Bank) and the Co-op Bank (former Britannia Building Society). The Post Office would provide some services for businesses to help plug the gap. Penistone continued with a branch of Yorkshire Building Society but this too would close in 2021.
30th Jun 'RAF 100' - A remembrance ceremony was held by Penistone War Memorial to commemorate the centenary of the RAF, attended by Penistone Mayor Cllr Gillian Millner, Penistone MP Angela Smith, PTC councillors, Barnsley Air Cadets, Penistone RBL officials, ex-service personnel and the public. The service was led by Rev David Hopkin. About fifty people were there. A special wooden bench at Penistone Grammar School was also inaugurated around this time for the RAF centenary, carved by Stephen Tarr.
August Arthouse Cafe - Although it continued in the same arty style that Frances Barkworth had so ably established, the business changed hands at this time. The new proprietor was Laura Quinn-Hughes.
27th Aug Last Organ Concert at St Andrew's - 1pm, St Andrew's Church, High Street, Penistone. This marked the end of an era, of organ concerts at St Andrew's Church for fifteen years. Audiences had been dwindling and artistes had been ageing. Organ performances at Penistone Paramount and the Astoria Centre (Barugh Green) would continue as normal. The digital organ is highly programmable for different styles of music and is destined to join a collection of instruments at the Astoria Centre, Barugh Green, which is Penistone Organ Trust headquarters. Organ Trust (Facebook).
11 Nov 'Penistone Remembers' - Commemorating the centenary of the end of 'The Great War' on Armistice Day, which conveniently fell on Remembrance Sunday this year. This website was first to use 'Penistone Remembers' as a heading for similar events.
2019 Feb
and later
Very Mild February - The normal cold nights but unseasonably mild daytime temperatures in the latter part of the month, reaching 16 (degrees Celsius). The Jet Stream had formed a deep loop to our west, bringing warm air from west Africa. The usual cold, wind and rain storms returned in early March. The summer had been very rainy with more to come in the Autumn, almost into December.
8th Mar Bobby Burton - The well-known former Police Constable for Penistone, Kenneth Burton passed away. 'Bobby Burton' as he was universally known, was based at Penistone Police Station from 1966 until he retired in 1992. He was described by family (on Facebook) as: 'A lifelong member of the Salvation Army, bandsman (of many instruments!), songster and lay preacher; his faith was a real source of strength for him.' ... 'In retirement he was a member, team captain and committee member of Millhouse Green Bowling Club, spending many hours relaxing on the green.' He leaves behind four adult children.
Feb End of Penistone Competitive Music Festival (PCMF) - Latterly held on the last Saturday of September each year at Penistone Grammar School, PCMF had been founded by Millhouse Green Male Voice Choir (MGMVC) in 1969. The event was sponsored by local people and businesses and had been well-attended over its 50 years. It had several categories of singing and music, starting with younger contestants in the morning, through various ages and styles in the day to conclude with choirs in the evening. Music selections were either set-pieces or chosen by performers, according to category. Mr David Wilkinson had been Festival Secretary for 42 years but was in his 70s and ready to pass on the job to 'new blood' and perhaps new ideas. The Committee members were elderly and did not feel able to take on the job. An invitation for a new Festival Secretary was posted in Penistone and on this website for several months but to no avail. The Feb 2019 AGM accepted the inevitable and PCMF officially finished this year. Its last event had been on Saturday 29th September 2018. By arrangement with the Charity Commission the remaining PCMF funds were passed on to its founders MGMVC and to a local band. See 1969.
New Businesses - Cristello's Bridal shop opened Sat 23rd March and, although the adjacent Cristello Gin and Wine bar in the former JT Smith furniture shop had been ready to open the same day, it was delayed by licencing problems with BMBC and the two sides were prevented by regulations from being open at the same time. Mark Beevers opened a new greengrocery on Monday 25th March in the former Cheeky Monkeys shop, next to the market ginnel. This would leave the former Natwest and HSBC Banks and the corner antique shop remaining empty. Also around this time, Orca bathrooms quietly opened in the shops close to St Mary's Street roundabout, after moving from the former Wiseman's shop (where it had opened on Show Day, 2015). In April, two adjacent hairdressing shops opened in the former Wiseman's shop: 'New Face' barber's shop (which would also open on Sundays) and 'Flawless Beauty.' In the former HSBC, a new gent's hairdresser opened in July.
April Freedom of the Town Awards - At its Monday 15th April meeting, Penistone Town Council recognised three worthy local residents for their services to the community, with the council's first 'Freedom of the Town' Awards for many years. They were each presented with framed certificates by the Mayor, Cllr Gill Millner. Congratulations to them all. The recipients were: Peter Barnes for his 29 years with the Fire Service, Martin Curson for years devoted to local volunteering activities and tidying up, and Joe Pinguey for his hard work in recognising the work and sacrifice of our nation's Armed Forces.
6th June Penistone FM Anniversary - This was both the tenth anniversary since going on the air full time and celebrating an extension to the Community Radio broadcast licence for five more years. It was marked with an open day and birthday cake for all. Penistone FM
11th July Local NDP Referendum - The Penistone NDP was launched on 19th March 2016. The local Referendum was part of the process for the adoption of a Penistone Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) which affects planning applications for our district. It had been a long time in its design to comply with national and BMBC constraints and was built upon an earlier 'Community-led Plan' which had much public input. The NDP is supposed to have legal power in influencing planning decisions by Barnsley MB Council. The result: In favour - 1610 (89.7%); Against - 180 (10.03%); Rejected ballot papers - 4.
24th July
RBL Club Trip, Coach Fire - The Penistone British Legion's day trip to Whitby proved to be rather more exciting than expected. On a gloriously sunny day, the return journey for Coach 5 became an extended adventure as a fire started in the engine compartment and the smell of burning slowly permeated the vehicle. 'Good Year' Coach 5 had been the first away with the other coaches following on. There had already been strong brake smells on the outward journey but this was different. Those seated at the back realised something was very wrong, perhaps 15 minutes into the journey, and the coach was halted on open road near Fylingdales. The day-trippers evacuated in an orderly manner before fire gushed out of a side panel and the white smoke turned black as it poured out over an adjacent grassy field. Two fire engines attended quickly and other traffic was stopped. Passengers found spare seats in the other coaches to continue their journey home. However, one day-tripper found himself at the wrong side of the fire and could not leave until the fire crew had safely conveyed him to a waiting coach. One passenger opened the toilet escape door and made sure her little girl was safe but was unable to pick up her belongings, with people following her out. Clothes, shoes, phones, tablets and other items were left on the burning coach as it was evacuated. The day-trippers and RBL marshals can all be commended for dealing with this unrehearsed and potentially life-threatening situation in a calm, safe and efficient manner. The fire affected around 47 local residents and photos and videos appeared on social media, but it was not reported in the press or radio, except the Scarborough News.
Mid-2019 UK Population - The known mid-2019 UK population was 66,796,800 but with a low growth of 361,000 (½ %). Breaking down the figures for mid-2019 with percentages of the total: England 56,286,961 (84.2%); Scotland 5,463,300 (8.2%); Wales 3,152,879 (4.7%) and Northern Ireland 1,893,667 (2.8%). The growth rate was the lowest since 2014. From ONS.
11th July Penistone NDP Poll - Penistone's Neighbourhood Development Plan (Pen-NDP) was in its latter stages, requiring a referendum. The NDP would allow for more local influence on planning applications. Votes in favour - 1,610. Votes against - 180. Votes rejected - 4. Turnout was 18.5% of an electorate of 9699. The NDP was accepted and ratified by BMBC on 27th August 2019 (Planning) and put into operation. Remarks on social media said that some who voted against thought that the poll it was something imposed on Penistone by Barnsley council. The Penistone NDP (pdf) can be viewed in Penistone Library. Local politicians suggested that the delay by BMBC in ratifying the plan was to allow planning to be approved without hindrance for the large Wellhouse Lane housing development. See also the Penistone Heritage and Character Assessment (pdf).
Mid-Sept Flying Visit by PM - As reported in 'Look Local' (free newspaper for Stocksbridge) Boris Johnson had paid a fleeting visit to Fox Valley shopping area in Stocksbridge as part of his tour of the north. He came to support the prospective Conservative candidate, Miriam Cates. The newspaper photograph showed Johnson standing by a market stall with Andrew the greengrocer in the background. Andrew has the Saturday market stall in Penistone. With the possibility of a General Election coming up, the Johnson had been talking about boosting the northern regions to re-balance the prosperity of the north in relation to the south.
27th Aug Penistone NDP Ratified by BMBC - See the item above for 11th July. The Penistone NDP (pdf) can be viewed in Penistone Library. The Wayback Machine has copies of the now-defunct Pen NDP website, such as in 2021 for example.
21st Sept Dedication of RAF100 Seat and PGS Ceremonial Flagpole - Saturday 21st September. On a warm sunny morning, this event to dedicate a specially-commissioned wooden bench (for the RAF Centenary) and a ceremonial flagpole went very smoothly and in a professional manner. The ceremony was introduced by PGS Principal Paul Crook and the service led by Rev'd Dr Ian Gibson. Silkstone Old Band provided the music. Penistone MP Angela Smith gave a welcoming address and the service continued with hymns and prayers. Sheffield City Mayor Dan Jarvis MP gave a particularly good speech outlying the debt owed to the armed forces and particularly the wartime RAF. Penistone Mayor Cllr Gillian Millner presented the new flagpole to the school on behalf of the Penistone community and passed its plaque to PGS student Isaac for mounting at the flagpole. Wreaths were laid by all organisations involved. The 'RAF Sunset Ceremony' was performed in accordance with RAF protocol as the flag was lowered by Air Training Corp cadets, followed by the National Anthem. The ceremony was also attended by Mrs Julia Bloomer Deputy Lord Lieutenant of South Yorkshire (a Royal representative), wood carver Stephen Tarr who made the bench, both the PGS Head Girl and the PGS Head Boy (who escorted Mrs Bloomer), RAF personnel in uniform, The Holmfirth 1466th, Huddersfield 59th and Barnsley 148 Air Cadets, representatives from Tesco, Cllr Jonathan Cutts, other councillors, ex-Navy personnel in uniform and members of the Penistone community. Most of the funding was from the Tesco 'Bags of Help' scheme with the generous support of Penistone shoppers and they received a Thank You. Other important contributors who were thanked included Naylor Myers, Penistone Town Council, Penistone Ward Alliance and Penistone Spar. The bench seat had been designed and sculpted by Stephen Tarr who had also made the benches at Penistone Tesco and Buckingham House. It has eagles at each end (male and female of ash and sycamore), a substantial bench between and a backrest shaped like an aircraft propeller. The flagpole and flags were a gift to the school from the Penistone community funded by the local council. This event was organised by RAFA PR Officer, Joe Pinguey.
31st Oct Terry Whittles CBE - Terry had formerly been Branch Chairman of Penistone Royal British Legion and became National Chairman of the Royal British Legion. Terence William Whittles received his 'Commander of the Order of the British Empire' (CBE) award from the Princess Royal, Princess Anne, on this date for 'Voluntary service to the Armed Forces.' His name can be found on HM Queen's Birthday Honours Prime Minister's List. Well deserved.
November The White Heart Closed - Suddenly went into administration this month, leaving many a reservation, including a wedding, high and dry. To their credit, both Cubley Hall and Oxspring's Waggon and Horses managed to fit them in at short notice. Their Penistone Beer Festival could not happen, in spite of posters everywhere. This was the oldest public house in the district, going back to 1377. It was well-known as 'The White Hart' for perhaps a few centuries, to be re-named 'The New Tavern' for a time before reverting to 'The White Hart' then latterly the 'The White Heart.' Soon after it closed, builders went in and tore the guts ouit of the place. Its future is not known. See Old Inns.
29th Nov 'The Vault' Bar and Cafe Opened - As a new bistro and bar in the former J&B Antiques Shop shop, top corner of Church Street aimed up-market and described as: 'A contemporary bistro restaurant with a speak-easy cocktail bar underneath. Situated in the heart of Penistone.' It would be in two sections, a cafe bar at ground level, open in daytime and evening, and a Speakeasy-style cellar bar with an intimate atmosphere for evening cocktails and, perhaps, secret liaisons. The former antiques shop had itself only opened around 2013). Before that it was Robinson's News corner shop. Allegedly because of a rent hike, J&B Antiques and the adjacent 'Vintage Tea Room' on Church Street lain closed in October 2017 and the building lay empty for quite a time. After a long delay and rumours of what it might become, builders very gradually combined the two sides into one and renovated the cellar which had been part of the antiques business, all to become The Vault. Initially, The Vault also opened at 10am for breakfasts but this ended after perhaps a month. The Vault, Facebook.
2020 This year Covid-19 Pandemic - This affected everything this year; shopping, work, school and events. See the Covid-19 section below thios table.
Jan Penistone Gateway Club - £10,000 grant approved by the National Lottery. This group was formed in 1981 by members of Barnsley Mencap with a view to providing a safe place for people in the Penistone area with learning disabilities to enjoy some social contact with others. The club is a Registered Charity (1188396) and meets in St Andrew's church. See Around Town (7th January 2020) for more about the club's activities. Facebook.
Early Bad Storms - The year started with bad weather; with heavy rain and high winds through January, February and right into March. Storm Ciara and Storm Dennis brought some locally flooded roads and wind damage but not as seriously as that suffered in West Yorkshire and Wales where the flooding was devastating. Even the south had some. At the beginning of March, the tail end of Storm Jorge (pronounced "Horye") took its turn to bring yet more wind and rain but, thankfully, no more flooding.
20th Feb A Whole New Village - A BMBC Planning application 2020/0274 for a large housing estate by Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes in an elevated location accessible from the A629 (Halifax Road) and Wellhouse Lane, and exposed to Penistone's notorious weather conditions. With 169 four-bedroomed homes, 139 three-bedroomed homes, 80 two-bedroomed homes and 12 single-bedroomed homes, it could reasonably be called a whole new village on the outskirts of Penistone. David Wilson Homes advertised Penistone as 'a popular village' and gave the wrong address of Penning Ridge, Halifax Road, Penistone, Barnsley, South Yorks, S36 7EY (Penistone addresses are all: Penistone, Sheffield, S36 xxx, in the S36 Sheffield postal district).
15th March Cherrydale Chinese Take-away - This popular take-away on Market Street closed after 33 years. Jim thanked his loyal customers but he had told the Barnsley Chronicle that the time had come to retire. At one time, Cherrydale had a small restaurant room upstairs. This would be renovated to become a cafe with an upstairs bar. Then another, then a burger bar in 2023.
March The Brew Hut - A new micro-cafe opened in Thurgoland, to open at weekends. 'The Brew Hut' (Pic) is a new tea/coffee house housed in a wooden shack near Thurgoland traffic lights, run by Cellar 41 (Fb), which sells architectural salvage and interior industrial furniture.
From March Covid-19 Pandemic and 'The Great Lockdown' (aka 'Lockdown 1') - This lasted until around the middle of June when some shops could re-open and the rules were eased enough for pubs, clubs and cafes to re-open with Covid-secure protocols in place, such as one-way systems, sanitisers and table service. A second wave of infections came to our region in October, leading South Yorkshire to be at a 'Tier 3' level on 14th October. The pandemic would continue into 2021.
April Penistone Town Clerk Retires - Although he originally intended to retire on 5th June 2020, Penistone Town Clerk Keith Coulton MIIMC MSLCC, took his retirement early as 'gardening leave', considering the unusual circumstances of the Covid-19 lock-down and for family health reasons (Minutes PDF icon). In 2019, Keith had needed several months convalescence from an illness. He started working in Penistone in 2008 and always commuted from Doncaster. He often had to work evenings while officiating at PTC meetings. During his tenure, use of the Community Centre and attendance at Penistone Paramount both increased greatly. The lock-down prevented a proper send-off but he will be remembered as a gentleman in demeanour and for his efficient work on behalf of our council and town. Cllr Webber summed it up thus: 'It would be wrong not to express my gratitude to our departing Town Clerk, Keith Coulton who unfortunately had to leave his position early due to family health reasons, exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Keith has been with us for twelve years, has provided a sterling service to The Council and has supported all Councillors, past and present, equally and impartially, as his role demanded. I'm sure we all wish Keith the very best in his retirement and, once this crisis is over and we're able to, we will meet up with him to reflect on his time with The Council.' (See also June 2020 below).
12th April Betty Elders RIP - Betty died aged 87. Former PTC member and Penistone Mayor 1999 to 2000, Betty was born in 1932 and married Ray Elders. She had one daughter, Shona Elders. Betty was educated at Dunfermline High School and gained qualifications in shorthand, typing and secretarial duties. She had also been Chair of the local Conservatives. Chair of the Paramount Committee, Treasurer of Millhouse Green Institute, part of the Thurlstone and Millhouse Green Methodist Church congregation and she recruited members for the Millhouse Green Women's Institute. She supported Ray's work as President of Thurlstone Brass Band and Assistant Provincial Grand Master of Yorkshire Province (Freemasons). In her work life, Betty's did secretarial and book-keeping work in a grocer's shop, in a plumber's, the Post Office, Royal Navy administration in Rosyth and latterly at the Hepworth Iron works, Crow Edge.
8th May VE75 Day - This was to commemorate 75 years since VE Day in 1945; the end of war in Europe. Mr Churchill had said that they could allow themselves some time to celebrate. This year, the Bank Holiday was moved from Monday 4th to Friday 8th may to make it a great day of celebration and the pubs were allowed late opening hours. Local groups had made grand plans to mark the day with parades, street parties and entertainments. Penistone church was planned to have its own event with food, exhibitions and newsreels about of the great day in 1945 and from VE50 in 1995. Unfortunately, none of this was meant to be because of the Covid-19 pandemic. All events were cancelled. In their place were lesser events such as wreaths laid at the War Memorials and 'Stay at Home' street parties. With social-distancing in place to limit the spread of virus and in the hot sunny weather, social media reports suggest that these street parties were widespread throughout our district. Tables and chairs were put outside people's houses, people dressed up 1940s style, union jacks flew from windows and people enjoyed an abundance of food and drink to a background of 40s music. As Mr Churchill had also said "We will never surrender" - and we didn't. A merry atmosphere prevailed and life went on.
June New steps, mayor, consort and ClerkNew Town Clerk Appointed - Newsworthy because it seldom happens. Details from a Special PTC Meeting of Penistone Town Council held in June. The Chair reported that interviews for a new Town Clerk had taken place. The interviewing panel had gone away after interviewing the two candidates and had a further remote meeting to discuss the appointment. It had proved a difficult decision to make as there was little between both candidates but a decision had to be made. The Chair and Cllr Kimberley had drawn up a contract which included a probationary period and it was proposed that the new Town Clerk would take up the position the first week in August. Moved by the Chair, Seconded by Cllr Unsworth and RESOLVED that Tara Ball be offered the position of Town Clerk. As this had all happened during the Covid-19 pandemic, the new Town Clerk would go on to hold meetings online, rather than traditional Council Chamber meetings. This picture taken was on Monday 14th September 2020, just a few days before the Paramount could briefly open again after its major refurbishment during the lockdown. From left to right, Town Clerk Tara Ball with Penistone Mayor Cllr Steve Webber and Mayor's Consort Cllr Lynette Webber, all standing on the brand new Town Hall steps. For details of the Paramount refurbishment, see Town Hall History page. (See also 'Penistone Town Clerk Retires' in April 2020, above).
8th July Betty Chapelle - The Barnsley Chronicle reported glowing tributes for this well-known Penistone dance teacher (Fri 24th July issue). After suffering with Alzheimer's disease for three years, Betty died and was interred at Stottercliff. Betty had trained as an acrobat in her early years then took dancing lessons in Sheffield. She started her own dancing school at the age of 21 in the Scout Hut on Wentworth Road. After marrying Frank Mitchell, she also helped to run the White Hart pub. After she married her second husband Harry Taylor, she helped run a ladies' hairdresser shop and a children's nursery with her daughters Sally and Amanda. Her father Matthew had played piano for Penistone pictures but it was not clear when or whether this was the Town Hall Cinema or the Assembly Hall Cinema. Most people in Penistone had pronounced her name as Betty Chapel. Her dancing school is the tall building opposite Penistone Paramount and was latterly run by her third daughter, Shani.
15th Aug VJ75 Day - Commemorating the surrender of Japan, this day marked the end of the Second World War.
15th Aug 'BARiSTA & CUCiNA' - A VIP Opening on this date. The former Cherrydale Chinese take-away on Market Street has been converted into an upmarket new bar and coffee shop, as reported in Yorkshire Live. Even earlier this had been a hardware shop. It re-opened as a coffee shop and Mediterranean grill on the ground floor with a wine and cocktail bar upstairs. Its owner, Matthew Crisp was already noted for his 'Market Kitchen' in Barnsley's new 'Glass Works' complex. Barista-UK. See also two entries in 2023 below as it was reincarnated twice, ultimately to become a burger bar.
Late August Three Fryers Fish and Chip Shop - Under new management and re-launched as 'Penistone Fish & Chips.' This shop at the bottom of Shrewsbury Road (or possibly the beginning of Sheffield Road) has done service as a 'chippie' for many years and some might remember it as Laundon's. A Facebook message from new owners read as follows: Facebook: 'Just wanted to introduce ourselves as the new owners of 3 Fryers. We are Marino and Michelle. Were very excited to be part of your community and meeting all of you so please pop in and say hi. Marino and I have 20 years of experience so you are all in good hands. We thrive on delivering excellent quality food with a warm and friendly service.'
18th Sept Paramount Re-opening - Given the Covid-19 regulations on public gatherings, the re-opening ceremony was restricted to a simple ribbon-cutting by Deputy Mayor, Cllr Gill Millner, observed by the Town Clerk Tara Ball, Paramount Manager Brian Barnsley and Cllr Jonathan Cutts. The moment of ribbon-cutting was triggered by a signal from the Look North presenter with his tv cameraman across the road, who relayed it live to BBC 'Look North' local news programme. During its enforced closure in the summer, the Paramount was extensively re-decorated inside and out in the original style and acquired new furnishings, new seats (the old ones went on eBay), new curtains, re-varnished floors, new circle seating layout (two aisles now) and different access and egress protocols for public safety. The Town Hall steps had become too worn and cracked and were replaced soon after the major refurbishment inside.
Sept Yorkshire Building Society (Closing the Penistone branch) - YBS announced that several branches including Penistone would close 5th February 2021. This would be the last (and probably the best) of Penistone's financial businesses to leave our town following the earlier departure of the Natwest Bank, the HSBC bank and the Co-op Bank (former Britannia Building Society). The closure became public knowledge in the Huddersfield Examiner, which also covers Penistone stories. The Liberal-Democrats started a petition but YBS staff in Penistone said that the decision would not change. Oddly enough, given its proximity to Huddersfield, the Honley branch would remain open. YBS suggested in a letter to customers that face-to-face transactions could continue at Honley, Barnsley or Mapplewell. Meanwhile, Penistone Post Office would continue to provide some basic financial services such as paying into bank accounts and checking bank balances. YBS.
16th Oct Kevin Knox RiP - Kevin was well-known in Penistone but very sadly lost his fight with renal cancer which had spread in his body. He very sadly passed away on this day after a short stay in hospital. Formerly of the 13th - 18th Hussars, Kevin had served in Northern Ireland. He always proudly supported Remembrance Day and other commemorations as Bearer of the RBL Standard. His funeral was Wednesday 11th November - the actual time of Remembrance.
Oct Penistone FM Grant - ('Look Local' dated 22nd Oct 2020): Penistone FM announced a new project in partnership with the National Lottery's 'My Voice Matters' scheme, for which they received nearly £10k. After a major refurbishment and redesign, the main studio gained more space and better accessibility for disabled people to become involved in community radio. New equipment was installed to allow for home editing of speech links. The station now became fully functional, Covid-compliant and ready for new volunteers to apply for training and especially for those with disabilities. Penistone FM (Facebook).
5th Nov Lockdown 2 Starts - With Covid-19 cases escalating nationally, a second lockdown started on Guy Fawkes' Day. This time, schools, colleges and universities, garden centres and food take-aways could stay open. Lockdown 2 would be replaced by 'Tier 3' restrictions on Wednesday 2nd December.
Nov Penistone Tap - With Chuck McBurney's betting shop closing down in September/October, the Market Street premises were taken over by the Whitefaced Beer Company as Penistone's newest micro-brewery (there is another in Oxspring). The company name came from the local breed of white-faced sheep. Non-essential shops were closed under Covid-19 'Lockdown 2' conditions but beers could be ordered for local delivery. See Voxturbrew.
16th Nov Penistone Town Mayor Resigns - Recorded in draft PTC Minutes (16th November - pdf), 'Cllr Steve Webber proceeded to formally hand in his resignation as Town Mayor to the Council and confirmed that he was leaving Penistone Town Council due to the fact that he was relocating to Greece.' Also, Cllr Steve Marsh could no longer be a Penistone Town Councillor in the Hoylandswaine Ward as he had not attended a PTC meeting since 17th February 2020. The reason was not given but it had been during the Covid-19 pandemic. A letter of thanks for his good work was agreed at the meeting, which had been held online using the 'Zoom' app. A further meeting (not advertised) was held 7pm on Monday 23rd November 2020 to elect a replacement Town Mayor and Cllr Andrew Millner (Vice Chair) was chosen for the job.
Christmas Eve Online Christingle and Carol Services - Assistant Curate to Penistone and Thurlstone Team Ministry, Jo Twigg hosted a Christingle event online for the first time and, separate, Father David hosted a Carol Service. The Covid-19 crisis had prevented the more usual church services. The videos were posted on the St John the Baptist Penistone group.
  ,,   ,, 'Ring a Bell for Christmas' - 6pm on the day. As suggested on local social media and national tv, many people stood in their streets and rang bells to wish a Merry Christmas to neighbours and raise spirits in an otherwise unhappy time during the Covid-19 crisis. In some cases, fireworks were lit and trumpets were blown.

The Penistone 2020s

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Year Date Events from 2021
2021 Jan Strict Lockdown Rules - This was before the vaccinations became easily available and there were limitations on travel. See BBC News Story about policing.
18th Feb Thurlstone Phone Box - The modern-style BT telephone kiosk near the Thurlstone War Memorial was unceremoniously removed at 8.30am on this day, witnessed and reported to Facebook by Mr RH White.
25th Mar Kitchen Fire - The fire brigade was called out to a fire in a flat on the main road in Thurlstone, causing the road to be closed for a time. This was in the former Blue Ball which later became the British Legion building before the RBL moved to Penistone.
The New Inn (White Hart) - After an extensive refurbishment to the building lasting more than a year, Penistone's oldest public house re-opened at first for outdoor custom (being in the Covid pandemic), then for walk-in customers from 3rd August. It had been the White Hart from 1377, the year when King Richard II took the throne, aged only nine years old. His heraldic symbol was the white hart (deer). Around 1981, it was given the much-unliked name of 'The New Tavern,' until Frank 'Sam' Thacker took it over and restored its traditional name and popularity (happy days). Following Sam, new people took over and turned in it into a gastro-pub and they renamed it the 'White Heart' as a compromise name to its long history. Now called the New Inn, the venue re-opened very quietly in June 2021 at a low level but came back in business for beers and sit-down meals in August 2021. Old Inns.
June Holy Trinity Church, Denby Dale - With repairs estimated to be around £40,000 the church set in motion a permanent closure. C of E Consultation. DD churches announcement.
July UEFA 2020 - The England team had made great gains right up to the UEFA Cup Final, when, after extra time and the score still 1-1, it lost to Italy on penalties. With football fever taking over our country, Thurlstone lad John Stones was prominent in local and national news. He had trained at Penistone Church Football Club as a young lad and they were very proud of that. Stones then went to play for Barnsley and other clubs before being chosen for the England squad. Our district featured on Look North and Calendar television news programmes but also the newspapers: The Times, Independent, Barnsley Chronicle and Huddersfield Examiner.
  ,,   ,, Former Mayor Dies - Maureen Harrison died in Rose Hill care home, Dodworth, aged 83, with her family by her side. She had been a former Penistone Town councillor, Penistone Mayor and an independent member of Barnsley District Council. A Barnsley Chronicle article said that she had had a sweet shop and a chip shop at various times. Her particular interest was in Planning. She was also a Rotarian and long-time Chair of Spring Vale School's governors. In her later years, she lived in Monk Bretton, Barnsley. She leaves a son, daughter, grandson and daughter-in-law.
27th Aug Train collision with Truck - The Huddersfield train struck the outrigger (stabiliser) leg of a truck parked next to the track, just ⅓ mile south-east of Penistone station. The crane was lifting 'welfare facilities' (a Portaloo) on to its flatbed but the base of a stabiliser leg was at the end of the sleepers, about ½ metre from the nearest rail. The truck driver had no experience of working next to railway lines. The railway Rule Book, GE/RT8000, defines working within 3m of a railway line as being 'on or near the line.' From the report: 'The train had been accelerating after departing from Penistone station, and had reached 27 mph (43 km/h) when the lorry came into view. The driver saw a person near to the lorry and sounded the train’s horn to give a warning. Although the driver saw the person and lorry, the stabiliser legs were not clearly visible, and the driver continued accelerating. As the train got closer, the driver then noticed one of the stabiliser legs was very close to the track, so he applied the train’s brakes. The train struck the lorry five seconds later. The train crew and 25 passengers on board the train were unhurt by the collision. The lorry’s stabiliser leg was damaged and there was also some damage to the front and side of the train.' News Story (HMG). See the official Safety Digest.
1st Oct 'All is Good' Shop - A new delicatessen shop opened Friday, 1st October, 10am. St Mary's Street, Penistone. An existing 'Orca' shop for bathroom fittings near the St Mary's Street roundabout was split into two sides, sharing the same doorway, with the new deli on the left and the Orca shop continuing on the right. In May 2022, they swapped sides with the delicatessen shop on the right and twice as large as before. At some later time, the deli took over all of the shop, with a small cafe section on the left. From the website: 'A deli boasting local cheese, antipasti, loose olives and funky salads; a dessert counter featuring hand-made cheesecakes, filthy brownies and loose chocolates; a cool eco-refill station with products in funky glass and quirky gifts.' All is Good (facebook).
14th Oct Fountains Inn, Ingbirchworth - Re-opened as a community pub-restaurant after a long refurbishment but which could easily instead have been a demolition. In 2020, Barnsley planning department had prevented this old pub from being demolished to make way for housing. Permission (2020/0474) was refused with this remark: 'The proposed development will lead to the loss of a community asset for which insufficient justification has been provided.' As a compromise, 13 houses would be built nearby but the Fountain would be preserved as a community pub. The 'Rag' as it is often called (formerly the Rag and Louse) was completely renovated during 2021. They also started a chess club in 2022. See Conroy Brook and the Old Pubs page. Fountain (Facebook).
18th Oct 'Penistone Spice Flame 'n' Grill' - Renamed from the former Balti House take-away at 8 Market Street, Penistone, extensively refurbished and re-launched. It gained hygiene rating which improved upon its previous '1' score.
Oct End of Penistone Pop-in Club - Founded by Lucy Haines and PTC Cllr Maureen Harrison in 1981, the club disbanded around this time as reported in the Barnsley Chronicle of 22nd October 2021. At one time it had 140 regular club members. The club put on pantomimes, trips and weekly social events such as bingo and cards. It finished because of the advanced age of the committee and problems replacing its members. Its Secretery was Dorothy Butcher, aged 90. The remaining funds were split three ways with cheques of £1,150 each given to Bluebell Wood children's hospice, Barnsley Hospice and Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
Oct Hazlehead Road Protests - Protesters demonstrated to have a reduced speed limit at the notorious accident black-spot of Hazlehead crossroads, following a car accident on 4th October. The crossroads is where Whams Road (Crow Edge to Flouch) crosses the main Holmfirth road. Two vehicles collided on that occasion with one man having life-changing injuries but other accidents at the same location have been fatal. A further public meeting on the road safety issue was held on 20th October at Crow Edge. This also led to '30 for a Reason' the following year. Millhouse Green residents were fed up with dangerous driving through the village and particularly near the Primary School on Lee Lane. '30 for a Reason' is a petition for BMBC to reduce the 40mph Speed Limit to 30 mph in the hope that drivers will take more care. Their Speed Survey PDF icon makes interesting reading.
Nov The Thurlstone A628 Bottleneck - BMBC's new Traffic Order affects the main A628 road: 'In Thurlstone, it is proposed to introduce no waiting at any time restrictions on parts of both sides of A628 Manchester Road and the side junctions between Towngate and Leapings Lane: - this will improve the free flow of traffic and improve visibility. Inconsiderate and obstructive parking will be prevented, and the footways will be kept clear for pedestrians and vulnerable people.' In the details, it does not generally affect most of the residents' parked vehicles. BMBC Traffic Order.
6th Nov RBL Centenary Event - In a largely-unpublicised event, a small Memorial Tree ceremony at Penistone Royal British Legion commemorated a century since the formation of the national British Legion organisation and remembered four members who had passed away during recent difficult times. Prayers were led by Minister Stephen Barnet. The event included the dedication and laying of inscribed for: Kevin Knox, Alec Gillespie, Steve Roper and Alf Eaden. A special centenary cake was baked for the event by Cafe Crème and Thurlstone Brass Band put on a sterling performance. The event also raised about £200 for the Poppy Appeal.
15th Nov Plaque to the FallenRailway Station Plaque - A plaque on Platform 2 (line to Hudderfield) was dedicated to local railway workers who lost their lives in the Great War of 1914 - 1918. It was installed through the efforts of the Penistone Line Partnership. A heartfelt dedication was held at 11am on 15th November 2021 by Fr David Hopkin of Penistone St John's church. The event was attended by Penistone Mayor Cllr. Andrew Millner, who laid a wreath, members of Penistone Line Partnership and the Community Rail Network, Deputy Mayor Cllr Gill Millner, Penistone Royal British Legion members and local community guests. The plaque had been made and gifted by Fred Evans of JF Evans Monumental Masons, who received thanks. Thanks were also given to Network Rail for incorporating the plaque into their newly re-built wall. The ceremony was followed by refreshments at Penistone Town Hall (Paramount).
Nov Cadets Support Penistone Remembrance - Read the Issuu article about the Wombwell-based Endcliffe Cadets supporting Penistone's poppy collection and act of Remembrance in generally poor weather.
2022 Feb Stormy Weather - The winter had been a particularly stormy and wet one this year. heavy rain was the particular theme for February and Scout Bridge became so deep that cars passing (wading?) through it came home with twigs in their grilles. High winds and heavy rain assaulted much of the country mid-February during Storm Dudley. With a lull for Thursday 17th, Storm Eunice hit the country Fri 18th, Sat19th February but mostly in Wales and the south of the country. The Met Office issued a rare Red alert people were advised to stay at home. This was quickly followed by Storm Franklin, Sunday 20th, which was quite a monster in our area, with prolonged rain and high, gusting winds which compromised many a garden fence. Storm Franklin closed the Stocksbridge bypass from the Flouch to Underbank. According to the HM Gov Floods website, the River Don reached a level of above two metres. The Don peaked in the early hours of Sunday 20th and during that day had reached about the same height as the top of the iron foot bridge to the industrial units. It flooded the Manchester road near the Sports Centre but was 'passable with care.' With the river bursting its banks, Watermeadows Park became completely submerged and two sheep were swept away from a nearby field. The level was well above the bridge nearest to Durran's blacking works at Thurlstone. A road between Oxspring and Silkstone Common was also flooded. Huddersfield Road above PGS was impassible with flooding at Scout Bridge. One Facebook writer travelled from Penistone to Sheffield via Cubley, Underbank, Stocksbridge and Deepcar. The road behind Ingbirchworth reservoir was about a foot deep. Shore Lane to Millhouse Green was about two feet deep.
Feb BMBC Investment Survey - 'Shape the investment plans for Penistone for over the next five years.' BMBC wanted input from local residents but their questionnaire options were limited to points of emphasis rather than any ideas. This suggested that their plans had been already decided but needed a 'public consultation' box to be ticked, presumably to comply with regulations. The survey did not require personal information. A text box at the end allowed suggestions. This website suggested the following ideas:: A proper Health Centre, NHS Dentist, Penistone Museum and ideas for the former steelwork site. Penistone Investment Survey (time limit not stated).
Feb Town Hall Building - BMBC Planning Application 2021/1658 used (without obvious modification) suggestions which a group of enthusiastic but ill-informed Sheffield University students had submitted to BMBC following an October 2017 public consultation event in the Market Barn (Town Hall History). Plans show a community space with cafe and a small second cinema. Also an entrance stairway to make one of the higher doors on Shrewsbury Road the main entrance. A local cafe owner was unhappy about Penistone acquiring yet another cafe, as our town was already well-served with cafes. Barnsley Council had not beforehand informed Penistone Town Council about this application, much to their annoyance, possibly to limit the amount of feedback from residents. Penistone Town Council had this item in their Planning Meeting Agenda for Monday 21st Feb. BMBC extended the feedback period from 17th to 24th February, possibly as a result of action by PTC.
Mar New Office - This will have come as a surprise to many. The anonymous red-brick wall on Back lane, opposite the main Market Barn entrance, sprouted a door and three new windows to become an office or shop for hire. It had been a redundant garage owned by the Roberts's. See Barnsley Planning (2016/0424).
Mar Penistone RBL Club Committee - RBL Members cast their votes from Friday 11th March to Sunday 13th for up to ten of 16 candidates, to fill ten places on the Club Committee. Votes were counted on Monday 14th March. The scrutineers were Mr D Wilkinson, Cllr Roger Hinchliff and Brenda Hinchliff. This was an unusual election given the disruption of the pandemic, as not all posts would normally have been up for election but it was a clean sweep for 2022. The top highest-voted candidates filled the ten Committee seats, with the highest-voted five serving for two years and the next five for one year. These are in alphabetical order and the numbers are the votes received. Penistone RBL (Fb).
  • Two years: Lynn Briggs - 110, John Donnachie - 189, Mandy Flello - 103, Dale Jackson - 134, David Schofield - 98,
  • One year: Rebecca Faxon - 74, Andy Fox - 74, Linda Kaye - 97, Niall Stoffel - 90, Pete Windle - 83.
  • Not elected: Adam Darlow - 27, Paul Denton - 52, Robin Earl - 58, David Lees - 50, Howard Webster - 27, Derek Whitworth - 67.
1st April Falklands Flag Event - 11am, Penistone Grammar School. This was not a large event but the PGS Principal Paul Crook said that this sort of community event was good for the school. Also attending were Joe Pinguey (the event organiser), seven veterans of the Falklands Campaign (Brain Haigh, Andrew Simpson and others), Penistone Mayor Cllr Andrew Millner, Cllr Jonathan Cutts, Revs Jo Twigg and Malcolm Reed, Head Boy Ewan MacKie, Head Girl Sadie Morritt, Tara Ball (Penistone Town Clerk), Mr Brian Robinson (Penistone FM), Mr Steve Richardson, and a small number of the public. Members of the press did not attend. Penistone Town Council had paid for the flag and Penistone FM provided the portable PA system. The ‘Order of Event’ was :
1. Welcome – Paul Crook (PGS Principal),
2. Dedication of the Falklands Flag – Cllr Jonathan Cutts (for Penistone Mayor Cllr Andrew Millner),
3. The Prayer of the South Atlantic Association – Read by Head Boy Ewan MacKie and Head Girl Sadie Morritt,
4. Two Minutes Silence,
5. Prayers – Rev’s Jo Twigg and Malcolm Reed,
6. Wreath-laying – Representing: Penistone Town Council, PGS, Royal British Legion, Veterans and Military Associations,
7. Raising of the Falklands Flag – Mr Steve Richardson,
8. The National Anthem.
May Bench Seat - A sturdy bench seat was installed in a small ceremony by Penistone parish church in memory of the late Maureen Harrison, who passed away in 2021. Maureen had been a former President of Stainborough Rotary Club and they sent a contingent in support of the event which was led by Penistone Mayor Cllr Andrew Millner with Cllr Gillian Millner. She had also been a Penistone Mayor and member of Penistone Town Council, Barnsley District Council and Barnsley MBC, specialising in Barnsley Planning. She campaigned to keep Penistone Town Hall from Barnsley's desire to demolish it and for the installation of Hoylandswaine By-pass. The plaque reads: 'Penistone Thanks Maureen Harrison for her many years devoted to the town and its people.' Reported in 'Loook Local' 12th May 2022.
3rd June New DiY Shop Open - A new 'Do it Yersen' shop has opened by the Market Barn entrance ('Do it thysen' is slightly more Yorkshire). At a quick look-around, it has bird feeders, paints, extension cables, screws, Hammerite, insulting tapes (as I call them), garden implements, garden sprays, bits and bobs. A similar shop has opened at Noblethorpe Mill, Scissett. Website comes up with an error: www.doityersen.co.uk.
June Bake Boutique - A new cake shop at 3 High Street, Penistone in what used to be the Barnsley Hospice charity shop. Bake Boutique, Contact via email: bakeboutiquesheffield@gmail.com
July Heatwave - Local temperatures were in the high 30s on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July. The Met Office declared it a red warning for the first time. Penistone was very quiet and people stayed at home where they could, some with drawn curtains in the daytime. Some local cafes closed early.
July Major Engineering Works - On the Penistone Line starting from 23rd July to the end of the month, centred on Penistone Station and Penistone viaduct. New tracks, new sleepers, new points, new ballast and new platform edge flagstones. Lifting the pedestrian crossing revealed damage and rust on the chairs. A variety of large machines were seen, such as a Freightliner loco delivering the new track on low-loader trucks and hauling other freight trucks (an odd sight on the viaduct), a Multi-Tasker crane on the tracks, a fairly standard digger shovelling new ballast on the tracks and two Volker Rail tampers tamping down the new ballast, which was in two layers. There were also a lot of workmen, possibly twenty at times, all dressed for Guantanamo bay in orange overalls. On a related matter, the 41st anniversary of the closure of the Woodhead Line had been 18th July.
26th Aug Hosepipe Ban - Following a hot summer and dry spell, Yorkshire Water issued a notice that the following actiities would be banned until further notice: Filling or maintaining a paddling pool or hot tub, using a hosepipe to water the garden, water plants, wash a vehicle or boat, for recreational use, washing walls or windows, cleaning paths, and cleaning paths, patios or other outdoor surfaces with a hosepipe.
Mon 19th
The Queen's Funeral - This was made a public (Bank) holiday to commemorate the passing of our well-loved Queen, in the same year as her Platinum Jubilee. Penistone Paramount showed the funeral on the big screen with refreshments available. Pubs and clubs such as Cubley Hall and Penistone British Legion also opened specially to allow people to watch the Queen's funeral with other people. Shops, such as Digiprint and others, had photos of the Queen in their windows.
Weds 5th
Casting Call - A notice appeared on social media calling for extras to attend a short featuring local soldiers in the Second World War to be shown at the Paramount. This would be filmed for a BBC1 programme, presumably to be shown on or around Remembrance Day in November.
Weds 19th
PCFC Book Launch - 6.30pm at Penistone Paramount. A new book was launched titled: 'Penistone Church Football Club 1906 - The Inspirational Story of a Grass-roots Football Club' and it was supported by an excellent promotional video, available to view on Richard Galliford's Youtube site (video by Adam Galliford and Gary Sidebotham). Two and half years in the making, the book was researched and authored by Stephen Lavender, Kevin Neill and Richard Galliford who were all there for the launch at the Paramount, with Steve Lavender as MC. Local webmaster and graphics designer Stu Gibbins was involved in the book's design. The book brings to life Penistone's historical contribution towards modern-day football and the Penistone Church FC story from 1906 to the present day. See Steve Lavender's account of the story behind the book in Story 18 of 'Stories from the Stones.' The book can be bought online at pcfcbook.sumupstore.com or in person from Clarke’s Chemist Penistone, the Royal British Legion, Penistone Church Football Club and Penistone Archive (Penistone Community Centre on Thursdays) for £10 with proceeds to PCFC. Penistone Church FC, Facebook.
28th Oct 'BARiSTA & CUCiNA' Closed - This was the former Cherrydale Chinese take-away, refurbished and re-opened as a cafe and bar. After another refurbishment, new signage appeared in July 2023 with the name 'Chapeau, cafe, food, late bar.' It did not last.
15th Nov Stottercliffe Children's Memorial - The memorial was for the hundreds of children and babies who who had been buried unmarked in this place in the cemetery. For most local people, this use of Stottercliffe cemetery had been a surprise. The memorial was on the initiative of local resident Richard Galliford who has a young sister buried there and the new memorial received the whole-hearted support of the local community, Penistone Town Council, Penistone's BMBC councillors and the church. A heart-shaped marble plaque formed the central memorial with a pair of marble bench seats. This was installed at the right-lower end of the cemetery where the lane bends and starts to climb. The unveiling ceremony took place in heavy rain with about 20 to 30 people attending. Richard Galliford gave a speech explaining the memorial and inaugurating its use. In support were Rev David Hopkin and BMBC Councillor Hannah Kitching. Penistone Mayor Cllr Neville Shiggins and other PTC councillors also attended. More details can be found on the cemetery page.
2023   New Shop - A financial advice company at 13 Market Street, Penistone. Their sign is on the former Yorkshire Building Society shop but the Planning Application is not visible on the BMBC Planning Explorer map. Companies House: Waterbridge, Incorporated 2015, No. 09883876.
22nd Mar PCFC Book Presentation - Memorial Ground, Penistone Church Football Club. A special presentation on the new football history book (see Oct 2022 above) was held at the club by its three authors: Kevin Neill, Steve Lavender and Richard Galliford. Books were on sale for £10 each with proceeds to the club. The book can be bought online at pcfcbook.sumupstore.com or in person from Clarke’s Chemist Penistone, the Royal British Legion, Penistone Church Football Club and Penistone Archive (Penistone Community Centre on Thursdays) for £10 with proceeds to PCFC. A further booklet on the subject would be released in December 2023. Penistone Church FC (Fb).
16th May Nora Collett - Retiring Town Mayor Cllr Neville Shiggins asked the PTC Annual Meeting of 22nd May for a minute silence in memory of the former councillor Nora Collet, who recently passed away. Nora had long served Penistone as a town councillor, borough councillor and was Town Mayor when Penistone hosted the Yorkshire Day celebrations in 2006. Nora also was a participant in the consecration of the new Stottercliff cemetery extension, 6th March 2007 (see above).
21st June Penistone Heritage Group - A meeting of interested residents was held in the IT Room, Penistone Community Centre, to explore the possibility of setting up a museum for the Penistone area. This was followed by a further meeting on Weds 19th July and was joined by representatives of Barnsley museum, local councillors and members of Penistone History and Archive Group. The project Mission was agreed upon at this second meeting: "The Mission of the Group is to excite, enthuse, educate and inspire a greater understanding of our local history, people, places and environment for all."
June Penistone FM Test transmissions to Stocksbridge - By arrangement with Ofcom, Penistone FM has expanding its catchment area into the Stocksbridge area from a new transmitter aerial on Wortley church tower, with a good aspect into the Little Don (or Porter) valley. A new secondary frequency of 97.7 MHz is used for the transmissions. This would be used and advertised for a special OB from Fox Valley, Stocksbridge on Yorkshire Day, Tuesday 1st August 2023. The Penistone frequency continues as before on 95.7 MHz. Penistone FM (Fb).
July Chapeau - The former 'BARiSTA & CUCiNA' at 22 Market Street, Penistone (opened 15th August 2020) continued under the name of Chapeau, described as 'café, food, late bar.' Before that it had been the Cherrydale Chinese take-away for many years. Even earlier this had been a hardware shop. Chapeau (Fb). In December, after another renovation, it would re-open as a burger bar.
West Yorkshire Dog Rescue - Now replaced by a nail salon, this had been a charity shop on St Mary's Street from early 2017, directly opposite the Royal British Legion. Although popular with the public and the last-remaining charity shop in Penistone following the departure of Barnsley Hospice on Market Street, rising costs made the business unsustainable. The shop was part of the 'Penistone 1' complex, with the announcement (Dransfield news item): 'The team at West Yorkshire Dog Rescue are set to expand the charity from Marsden and Haywood to a new refurbished unit at Penistone 1 in Penistone Store.' West Yorkshire Dog Rescue is still active as UK registered charity No. 1132348. Its purpose is to rescue and find homes for abandoned and unwanted dogs in the Huddersfield, Holmfirth and Barnsley areas.
28th July Road Accident - At 10.25pm, a man travelling on a motor scooter collided with an ambulance which was on a call-out on the A628 road at Hoylandswaine, at the Lord Nelson junction. The 31 year old man was taken to hospital but sadly died there. This was shown on national tv news with drone footage of the scene. BBC News, UK Sports.
Sept New Shop Units - The former Natwest Bank on the corner of Market Street with St Mary's Street had lain empty for several years with various suggested possible uses coming and going and, for a while, beer casks could be seen stored there. One idea was for it to become another bar with a possible roof garden but that did not materialise. After extensive repairs and refurbishment, the building was partitioned into seperate units and these opened this year as small businesses. The main unit is 'Wool Monkey' (knitting and crochet materials, patterns and ancilliaries) which sub-lets all of the other units: 'Sewcial' (sewing classes, fabric and haberdashery), and on the first floor, 'Penistone Tabletop Gaming' (new and used games and figures) and 'The Wise Donkey' children's bookshop run by Kathrine Dale. The address is 2 Market Street, although a sign declaring this address is affixed to the side on St Mary's Street.
Sept-Oct Holme Coffee House - The former cake shop next to Gregg's was refurbished and re-opened as Holme Coffee House whose website refers to an existing café at 108 School Street, Holmfirth. If we are nit-picking, Penistone is on the River Don not the River Holme. This makes three cafés in a row on the High Street with Gregg's and the well-established Café Crème on the same row and four if we include the what this year had been the Chapeau mentioned above, across the road, which became a burger bar in December. Penistone has enough cafés!
Sept-Oct Sunstantial Road Repairs - After years of problems on Bridge Street, usually involving water gushing out of cracks, a major road repair via BMBC took place at the end of September. Interestingly, a message on Facebook explained the process. From Haydn Vernals in Community Action Penistone (slightly abridged here and used with his permission): 'The 'pavement' of a new road is made up in layers, surface course, binder, base, sub-base and sub grade. The top three layers are bituminous bound, the lower layers cement bound aggregate. Replacing the surface course is common, this reseals the structure of the pavement, going deeper into the binder is what you have probably seen is to fix the structure of the road, this is common when cracks and voids have formed for various reasons. It’s rare to go lower with repairs, but sometimes it’s required. 'Pavement' is what highway engineers called the road, there’s a lot of science and good practice around pavement reconstruction ... Older roads are often a hash up, using all sorts under the top layers, most roads were at some point a track with stones thrown down to stop them getting muddy for horses and carts. It’s not uncommon to dig down 100mm and find super-compacted earth! Even on relatively new roads built post-war.'
Oct Coal Drop Plans - Fairbank Investments published its plans for old Coal Drops on Facebook. A new building above the Coal Drops would have a restaurant and new building at ground level behind the drops would have a cocktail bar. Retail units would occupy the actual coal drops. Further down the lane would be office and business units, a walkers' hostel by the Trail, a new unit for bicycle hire and an Air BNB unit in a Regency House conversion. There will be around 30 to 35 parking spaces to benefit the office and shop units in the day and the restaurant in the evening. The drawings look good and are better on the eye than the current Coal Drops.
  All is Good (delicatessen) - The interior is re-arranged to expand the cafe part in the same shop.
13th Nov Stormy Weather - High, gusty winds and rain. Enough to cause structural damage. This had followed a prolonged period of rainy windy weather. The week before, the Aurora Borealis was said to be visible throughout the country, right down to Folkstone on the south coast, but it had not been reported as seen locally.
Nov Sheep Art Trail - Granite sheep scultures arriving in Penistone 'as part of a new public art trail aimed at bringing visitors flocking.' You can find two outside the Market Barn on the car park side. Penistone Sheep Trail.
14th Dec Patties' Burger Bar - The 'Chapeau' cafe referred to in July above lasted perhaps a few minutes before it reopened as a burger bar.
2024 Jan Penistone Armed Forces Day (Cancelled) - The 'Veterans Tri Services CIC' group announced on Facebook that it would cease trading and that the Penistone AFD event planned for 22nd June this year would be cancelled. The group was founded in 2015 to run the first Penistone Armed Forces Day on 24th June 2017. That event was a huge success with a wonderful Military Parade through the town and a busy Showground event. It also raised buckets of money too (lierally, collected in buckets), selling an estimated 6,000 tickets (perhaps £25,000). Many of the participants, exhibits, bands, etc., gave their services for nothing to make the day the success that it was. As 'Penistone Community Raisers' the group was fired up to put on another AFD event. They collected funds and grants towards holding a second AFD event on Saturday 29th June 2019. Funds were found by such as the Ward Alliance £1,900, Barnsley MBC £3,000, Tesco 'Bags of Help' £4,000, etc. A Military Parade from 11am paid its respects to Penistone War Memorial. From their 2019 Facebook entry: 'The day starts with a Military Parade through our town with marching bands and military vehicles, followed by a tattoo-style arena show with public displays, marching bands and re-enactments. The Show Ground is host to veteran organisations, trade stalls and food and drink. There will be an evening of 1940’s - themed live entertainment show, bar and big eats.' A Battle of Britain Memorial Flight had been expected during the day. Penistone AFD 2019 was well-received by the local community and visitors, as in 2017. The expected 2019 ticket sales ('6,000 to 12,000 people') had the potential to bring in up to perhaps another £50k - £60k towards holding a later AFD event. Unfortunately, the later hoped-for AFD event was prevented from happening by set-backs such as the Covid pandemic and the loss of their chief organiser. Tri-services CIC (Company No. 12291707), Facebook.
April Penistone Royal British Legion - 50th anniversary events during April. It had moved to its current site St Mary's Street site in 1974. The club had been next to Clark's Chemist with its entrance in the ginnel, which had previously neen the White Bear public house. Clark's decorated a window in April with objects related to the White Bear. Before moving into the White Bear, the RBL had been in the former Blue Ball of Thurlstone, on the hill just beyond the Z-bend.
18th April Penistone Annual Town Assembly - A risible 'can't be bothered' effort by the Town Council, and clearly engineered to fail. They had expected none of the public to turn up and put no effort into it. The required statutory notice was not displayed. Of the customary ingredients from previous years, there was no Agenda, no Clerk's Report, no Mayor's Report, no Financial Report and only about half of the elected members turned up. It was saved only by the keen participation of about a dozen members of the public, some of whom were prevented from talking about what they had attended for: the bus services. The meeting ought to have been declared 'null and void' for failing to comply with the law, and re-run in a professional manner. Annual Assembly.
30th April 'Penistone Community Environmental Support Service' Launch Event - 6pm to 8pm, Lord Nelson, Hoylandswaine. No, me neither! Greenotes appears to be a replacement service for Twiggs which used to clean up our environment with the help of volunteers and grants from the Penistone Area Council (PAC). This event was probably by invitation only, as it flew right under the radar and only came to light in June 2024. The company also appears to organise entertainment events, such as Angel Voices Performing Arts, again with the support of grants. Greenotes (Facebook).
Sept BMBC Boundary Proposals - The proposals were put forward by BMBC to re-define their ward boundaries, to even out the predicted population changes. Their proposal for Penistone West: 'The existing Penistone West ward is forecast to have 16% more electors per councillor than the average for Barnsley by 2029. The Council proposed to reduce this electoral inequality by moving the Spring Vale area of Penistone town from Penistone West ward to Penistone East ward. The Council proposed that the revised ward boundary follow the railway line through the town until it reaches the borough boundary in Gunthwaite & Ingbirchworth parish. (etc.)' But the Commission was not happy: 'We were not persuaded to adopt the Council’s proposals for a number of reasons (etc.).' They did not want to move Spring Vale and others but took the view that: 'In order to provide for an effective warding pattern, we consider it is preferable to move whole parishes between wards rather than divide them between wards.' They also wanted to avoid dividing 'local community ties and identities in this (Penistone) area' as would be the case by moving the Spring Vale boundary. The average number of electors per BMBC council member would increase from 2,927 (2023) to 3,073 (2029). BCE Survey.
JB Note: It is interesting from our point of view that the population in Penistone is expected by BMBC to increase by 16% by 2029, no doubt mainly through the large housing developments which have taken place or others to come.
8th Oct Penistone Film Festival - This is the launch of something new for Penistone, a chance to showcase local creative talent, and on the centenary of films being first shown in our Town Hall (Nov 1915). Amateur film-makers are invited to submit their modern silent-film masterpieces for a weekend event, 18th/19th October 2025, at Penistone Paramount. People of all skill levels are welcome and there will be plenty of opportunities for learning and experimentation. For full details (and the 'Submit' button) see Penistone Film Festival. All Paypal donations gratefully accepted.
4th Nov End of Doorstep Deliveries by Ken Stuart and Sons - More accurately, the transfer of doorstep deliveries. This message was posted on Facebook: 'K Stuart & Sons. Unfortunately, for various reasons we are unable to continue with our doorstep deliveries but these will be taken over by local lad Harry Walters who will be continuing to deliver as normal starting today, Monday November 4th. Some of you will have already met him as he has been accompanying melanie for the last two weeks learning the round. We will be bottling the milk for him so he will be delivering the same milk eggs and potatoes, etc., as normal. From today, can you please contact Harry on 07342 633 171 with any changes to your normal deliveries. Please make sure to include your name and address as he doesn't as yet have any customer names and numbers in his phone. The Stuart family has been delivering milk onto doorsteps for more than 90 years so you can imagine this was not an easy decision to make as we hoped to carry on for a few more years and wanted to leave the round in safe hands. For anyone who comes to the shop, everything will be open as normal with the fridge open 24 hours for eggs, milk, juices, milkshakes, etc. and the potato shed is open until 6pm for fruit & veg, bread, Paul Schofield's meat and the full range of Longley Farm products, Mrs Darlington's jams, etc. Over the next few weeks we will be continuing to help Harry out with any problems he may have to make the changeover as smooth as possible. Thanks once again for your support and friendship over the years, we're going to miss you all. From Melanie & David. '
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Gateway - 'Number One'

Back Top Penistone One, 2014
The original name for this development was 'Penistone Gateway' but that was dropped before the official opening at 10.30am, Wednesday 2nd April, 2014, when Barnsley Councillor Sir Stephen Houghton CBE was guest of honour with Penistone Mayor Cllr Jonathan Cutts. Also attending was Mark Dransfield of Dransfield Developments, the company which designed and built it. An Open Day followed on Thursday 3rd April, 10am to 3pm, via 'Regent's Gardens' which was previously called Marsden's Square.

The development consists of office units accessible from the rear and the retail units on St Mary's Street. A new roundabout interjected into St Mary's Street completed the picture. With he new Tesco being built, a new road connected that with the roundabout, at first un-named but later given the name of Market Lane, without consultation with the local council.

Rear entrance to Gateway Building

Various businesses have been and gone but one of more permanence has been the Penistone FM studios in Unit 7. This is opposite the Royal British Legion, which gives RBL topers a partly obscured view right into the studios. The wide-angle view above shows the rear entrance to the business units which are above the shops. There is ample parking for those who work here.
See Dransfield's Penistone Page and the Penistone One page.


Back Top Covid-19 in 2020
Gleanings from Penpic website updates of 2020 and 2021. Some extra notes added in 2024.

In General
2020 was a year badly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, with HM Government announcements in March 2020 becoming prominent. At first, it did not affect such as Penistone Arts Week or events at the Paramount but the public was cautioned to be careful and observe social-distancing. Opening hours at the British Legion were reduced and a one-way system introduced, as in supermarkets and in the pubs as long a they could stay open.

The pandemic would ultimately lead to lock-downs, social-distancing, no more than six people meeting and designated 'bubbles.' Pubs, cafes, restaurants and clubs had to close. Walking (and shopping trips) was still permitted during lock-downs, leading to a huge take-up of dog ownership. To this day, there are far more dog owners than before the pandemic. Pubs and cafes were closed but could provide take-away meals, on collection or by delivery. The Penistone Archives and Penistone Library closed. Penistone market continued in a diluted form, with only the essentials open. Instead of 'What's On' the Events List on this website became 'What would have Happened.'

At first, hand sanitisers and face masks were difficult to find in the shops but the supply lines were given top priority and the problem disappeared. Oddly enough, they were mostly sourced from China, the country where the Covid-19 pandemic had started. At a time when we were asked to wear face masks and employ 'social distancing' (keeping two metres away from other people), not everyone regarded the pandemic seriously and especially those who were not high-risk. It was very common to see mask-wearers where their noses were outside the mask, rendering the protection to others useless. As always, some thought that it was all a conspiracy to control the masses and refuse to comply.

(In 2020) Supermarket shelves were being stripped of some items, particularly toilet rolls, with people stockpiling some essentials but there was always enough food, beer and milk. This item appeared on the Welcome page:

Panic-buying Barminess:

(In 2020) An item in September's Barnsley Chronicle had an item about Covid-19, leading to this item on the Welcome page:

'Around 100,000 new cases nationally every day, doubling every nine days or so and the south is catching up with the north. For those Covid-deniers, it is definitely in our midst. Barnsley Chronicle says the Barnsley borough has the highest infections in South Yorkshire with 1,355 cases and Penistone has 55 people infected.'

Social distancing was a problem. Eg. when Covid inoculations became available, various inoculation centres were established in such as Barnsley, Stocksbridge, Scissett, etc. On one occasion, people in the Stocksbridge Leisure Centre queue objected to being politely asked to maintain social distancing, and preferred to queue as though it was a normal bus stop or fish & chip shop. Others would not wear masks, as though they would 'not be told by anyone what to do' or to display 'bravery' as others were gasping their last breaths in hospital. Some had legitimate medical reasons to not wear a mask and wore a special card to deter being accused of recklessness. Some wore the same mask time after time. Some had decorative masks.

The inoculations proved worthwhile in general but some people experienced side effects. For a small number, it was a trigger for underlying health problems to see them off, such as long-term breathing or heart conditions. Over time, just about everyone heard about people that they knew or knew of dying directly from Covid-19 or the side-effects of inoculation. By the 'end' of the pandemic (still with us four years later), some people would have had four or more Covid inoculations, each tailored to address the several variants, and each jab with its own risk.

On the grapevine, we heard of several Covid cases in old people's homes, with some dying, but their staff were required to keep that knowledge secret on pain of losing their jobs if they transgressed. It was not unusual to see ambulances rushing to Old People's Homes.

NHS rainbowHealth Workers
The plight of health workers came to light. Because of their long working hours and shift-working, supermarket shelves might have been empty at those times when they could go shopping. Some supermarkets opened early for NHS staff (on production of their NHS card or while in uniform) and the public was encouraged to let those in NHS uniform jump queues (an otherwise very un-British thing to do).

Health workers had a tough time and long working hours. They were also at very high risk of catching the disease as there was a shortage of medical-grade protection equipment. The public took their plight to heart and 'Clap for Carers' became a regular activity every Thursday at 7pm, with people on every street clapping or bashing frying pans by their front doors. This lasted until the weather cooled off when people were officially asked to stop doing it. Shop windows displayed the NHS rainbow symbol in support of the health workers, as shown here or as arched rainbows.

Back Top VE Day May 2020 (From the May 2020 Events List)
The main events of May 2020 were intended to commemorate 75 years since the end of the Second World War in Europe in 1945. Bands had been hired, programmes and orders of service drawn up, posters printed and other arrangements made. Unfortunately, all but the radio broadcasts had to be cancelled because of the Covid-19 lockdown, after having been planned from the start of that year. One good thing to come out of it was a booklet about the Burma Campaign with content from those who served in it. It is still available from the Archive Group.

Original Plans for VE Day 2020 - All but the radio broadcast cancelled because of lock-down.
Friday 8th May 2020,
Actual VE Day:
  • Daytime (TBC) - Street Party at Penistone Royal British Legion,
  • All Day - VE Celebrations, Traveller's Inn (the Fours), Oxspring,
  • 2.55pm - Bugler plays the Last Post,
  • 3pm - Mr Churchill's speech on Penistone FM, as it was heard at exactly that time in 1945,
  • Evening - 'Take 2 Big Band' in Penistone Royal British Legion, 1940s fancy dress optional.
Saturday 9th May 2020:
  • 10am - Brief Ceremony (of Celebration, not Remembrance) with Thurlstone Brass Band ('Land of Hope and Glory' etc.) by the War Memorial,
  • Afterwards - Indoor 'street party', children's activities, wartime hardware, history, memories from VE50, bar and buffet in Penistone St John's Church, 1940s dress optional,
  • Thurlstone Brass Band will play suitable music from a gazebo near the East Door.
Sunday 10th May 2020:
  • 10am - VE-themed 'Messy Church' for families and children in Penistone Church,
  • Evening - Suitable film at the Paramount

Other happenings in May 2020:

The Burma Campaign and VJ Day (Website item, July 2020)
'In May this year, we remembered 75 years since the end of war in Europe. The actual end of WWII will be remembered on VJ Day, 15th August. We might also remember the 'Forgotten War' in Burma. We are living through times that are in many ways like wartime and we might lose some our own friends and family. Perhaps we could urge the vulnerable to record their thoughts and memories before they too are lost. Times are difficult and, although happier times will return, the scars are likely to remain. The Queen echoed Vera Lynn's wartime words with: "We will meet again".'

Back Top Online Meetings and Zoom
Meetings such as Penistone Town Council and Barnsley Council were held online via Zoom, which really made it an everyday name. It generally worked well but there were some problems with those who did not have the appropriate video technology and their input was arranged via relayed messages. You could say that online meeting took off. Observers needed a special code to join in, obtainable by sending an email. This failed for the PTC Annual Assembly meeting because the website and email addresses were being updated at the time and the advertised email address on the mandatory poster did not work - anyone using that information could join in as their emails went astray. That being so, there was no public involvement in that meeting.

Other events started being held online, such as Penistone St John's Church services and The Huntsman (Thurlstone) Quiz Nights. A Facebook had been set up for the local community and that too held quiz sessions. Zoom was the favoured online meeting method but there were others too.

In November 2020, the Community Bonfire and Remembrance Parade would both be cancelled but people could still hold private bonfires with social-distancing (for their 'bubble') or lay wreaths at the War Memorial. It was a bleak year in many ways.

Back Top The Welcome Page in July 2020 - The Covid Table
The following table of Covid-19 cases had become a regular feature on the Welcome page. Part of the reasoning was that we were becoming accustomed to the new regulations while the actual figures were dropping out of the news. By listing the cases on the Welcome page, it was being kept in the the public perception. It is unlikely that the links will still work.

The remainder of this Covid-19 section is from 2020:

Covid-19 Hospital Cases, April - June 2020
'Cumulative totals and trends, places nearest to Penistone. Source: PHE. Resurgent virus cases in Barnsley eight miles away might lead to more lock-down in our own district. Public Health England has changed its methods and the published totals are now much higher, which prevents the table below from being continued.'

  April 2020   May 2020   June 2020
5th 12th 19th 26th 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st 7th 14th 21st 28th
Sheff'd 833 1,207
- 43
Barns 200 309
Kirkl's 185 318
Totals 1,218 1,834 2,473 2,976 3,447 3,763 3,994 4,157 4,260 4,335 4,419 4,508 4,572
Trend Δ ↑   ↑ 616 Pk 639 ↓ 503 ↓ 471 ↓ 316 ↓231 ↓163 ↓103 ↓  75 ↑  84 ↑  89 ↓64

Legend: Trend 'Δ' = difference between weekly totals. Arrows show the direction relative to the week before. Symptomatic people can get a drive-through test (Donny, Manch'r, Leeds, HMG). For 'Track and Trace' you might keep a contact diary. 'Close Contact' is a face-to-face encounter or being with anyone from outside your household more than ¼ hour.'
The Rules - HMG Coronavirus - NHS Coronavirus - HSE Covid-secure Working - UNISON Rights - Covid Tracker.

Back Top Things to Do? (2020)
'Call or email someone (especially if they are old), paint or draw a picture, make a video or take photographs, re-visit your old photo albums, explore local history, read those dusty books, write stories (Pengestone Times needs input), start a blog or website, do genealogy, compose music or poetry, daydream about after Covid, sing, play an instrument, make ear defenders, meditate, astral travel, do origami, puzzles and quizzes, mend something, design something, collect berries and brew some wine, build something, learn something (search Youtube tutorials), learn free software, maintain the computer, experiment with cooking, go and exercise (and now the other eyelid), explore our countryside, write up walks for others to do, learn or play games with family, plan something, make a 'to do' list, make a bucket list, organise documents, check insurance renewal dates, pay bills, wash the car, check tyres and top up levels, muck out the garage and loft, maintain your old bike, dig the garden, cut the grass (but don't collect it), prune the roses, open a bottle, polish your best shoes, check which clothes have shrunk, match up socks, spring clean, evict spiders, oil the door locks and gate hinges, clean windows, polish furniture, rearrange furniture, bleed radiators, wash curtains, decorate a room and listen to Penistone FM (Fb) as you do your tasks. Good luck to you all.

'We are urged to stay home but can take a walk, do gardening or ride a bike as long as we stay at least a couple of yards away from people of other households. We should keep in touch with other people. Some will use Skype, Zoom and Whatsapp for conference calls and pub quizzes (such as the Huntsman regulars) and perhaps CB radios. Social media is useful to find out what is going on locally.'

Back Top Penistone Paramount Re-opening (Website item, September 2020)
'Friday 18th Sept 2020, doors open 7pm but there will be a small and private re-launch ceremony at 6.45pm with the deputy Mayor. The Sci-fi film 'Tenet' will follow. The Paramount has been re-decorated inside and out, with new furnishings, new 'Bristol' seats, repaired floors, improved electrics, two aisles in the circle and new stone steps outside. Wheelchair users can gain access (with friends) by arrangement via a side door. Covid-19 protocols are in place for public safety. A face mask is required upon entering or if you leave your seat.'

12A rating'Tenet (Film, 12A) - Friday 18th Sept 2020, 7.30pm and 2pm weekend matinees, Friday 18th Sept to Thurs 1st Oct, Penistone Paramount Theatre. Bookings only. An espionage story featuring some unknowns: John David Washington, Robert Pattinson and Elizabeth Debicki, and some knowns: Michael Caine and Kenneth Branagh. A 'loud and baffling Sci-fi' using 'time inversion' to defeat a Russian baddie (not British for a change). Run time 2½ hrs. Tenet IMDb. For bookings, call 76 7532 between 10am and 2pm daily in the week or between 8pm and 9pm at weekends. See their website for the new social-distancing measures. Paramount (Facebook).'

Covid in 2021
It was still a problem in 2021. This item on the website in December 2021 had the tone of panic (the links will probably not work):

'Covid-19 - What do we know? (various sources). Penistone's local rate is going off the scale at 1.195% (23rd Dec) from 0.76% (19th Dec). An estimated 273 local people might now be infected (was 174) calculated from 22,909 pop'n in the 2011 census. National rate is also rapidly increasing at 1.145% (28th Dec) from 0.934% (24th Dec). With too many in intensive care, Pregnant women should definitely get the jab. Hospitals and ambulances are struggling with many health workers having to quarantine. Prof. Chris Whitty suggests that we reduce our social contacts for now. A large peak followed last Christmas's blowout (relaxing of the rules) and we can expect another for Jan-Feb 2022.'

'Masks are a legal requirement in shops (and not with your nose sticking out!), on public transport and busy places. Omicron is very contagious. Jabs still work but less so than before. Double-jabbed people need the booster. About 80% of transmission is from breath droplets. Around one third of infected people have no symptoms. Non-symptomatic people should use Lateral Flow packs, free from pharmacies (about 90% accurate). For boosters see Bookings. Jabs take time to work. The Pfizer jab is effective. About 8% of UK deaths are Covid-related. Inoculated people can catch and spread Covid but are less likely to die. Most deaths are in the unjabbed.'
HMG Guidance - NHS Advice - Barnsley CCG - Covid UK - Ecilop - HSE - UNISON - MS Expert - Tracker - Travel

Keeping the Wheels Turning
The Government had a balancing act to perform: keep businesses open but keep the spread of Covid manageable. One scheme was 'Eat Out to Help Out' with Government-funded discounts for a limited time to help keep restauarants and other eateries viable for the future. Shops and other businesses set up one-way systems to reduce contagion. Cubley Hall's main door was used for entry, with the conservatory door as the exit. They also had table service where each table had a card: Red to attract service, Green for service not needed. The Penistone British Legion also had table service with a card system, which was much-appreciated.

'Furlough' became a new word in the vocabulary, where HM Government paid businesses to keep people employed. It was hugely expensive but saved many businesses (and the economy) from complete collapse.


Back Top Sources Used in the Timeline
Mostly old almanacks for the oldest entries but includes newspaper clippings and remarks on social media. The Books:

Some small details were added from 'An Explorer's Guide to Penistone & District', 2006, a few leaflets describing local walks and some anecdotal remarks from Penistone people. Where information is anecdotal, it has been marked as such.

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